Alright guys, I got the forum running. It has an update to the game, the forum has these topics:
-General-UpdatesThe newest versions of Halo Creator.NewsLastest News from the Staff.IdeasIdeas from the staff. -Forums-IdeasHeres where you come in, tell your ideas.TalkJust talk, and have fun doing it.Flame the makers of this gameDont like me? Tell me all about it.<—-(Sounds fun, heh) -Halo-Xbox LiveTell gamertags, talk about it, brag about ranks.Halo 1Just talking about Halo 1, glitches, custom maps, mods, whatever.Halo 2Just talking about Halo 2, glitches, mods, whatever.Halo 3What do you think is going to happen?Here it is:
Cool Im going to the forum
Why was it taged?
Oh, sorry, I was not trying to brag….just make it longer so it could be acepted in the front page…..heh,bad idea.