Halo Creator updated.

Posted by Killpill28 on Jan. 2, 2007, 12:54 a.m.

Yea, I just found out you could edit the post, so now the update is in, MODs, please do not accept the one in the queue!

So, if you liked Halo Creator or are new to it, I would say to go check out the update, it is much better than before, with more things to do. Less lag! A new unit, better rain and snow effects! A WAY better menue. So, check it out already! Go nowXD

Find it here:


Anyways on to life:

So, what life you may ask?

Well, I have been talking to my friends.

Playing Halo 2 on xbox live!

Gears of War xbox live!

Crome Hounds xbox live!

Battle Field 2 xbox live!

My gamer tag is:

KiIIpiII28(Dont ask I lost the other acount)

Okay and I read the rules, this did fill the box, it does not brag about site features. Streach the page double its width.

So, if this is tagged, like my old one, TELL ME WHY!

(I still dont know why my old one was tagged)



Graydon 18 years, 1 month ago

The new game is even better than the old one. And I'll be adding to my xbox freinds list. I'm FewCarrot Top. And i have a 360

Killpill28 18 years, 1 month ago

K I am going online in a moment.