New Halo:Lost Hope level[Killpill28]

Posted by Killpill28 on Feb. 4, 2007, 3:22 p.m.

Yah, I made a new level for the game, and it is bigger. I am not releasing it at this time, but wanted to show you it.

New Level:

If you think this is not big enough, tell me, here is a in game pic.

New Level In game:


Going on to Halo Creator, I am about to release a new beta on my site to beta testers, you guys can still be one. So I should be updating the game soon. Here is a ist of new things:

Elites are easier

Hunters are added

A new system to make your save password protected, so you can make chalanges that people can't cheat on.

Cars are added

Jackles are easier.

That is about it for now.



Killpill28 18 years ago

Lol yes.