Yep, MSN, you guys got it right? Because I need people to talk to!
MSN=killpill28@yahoo.comNew Game News!No name yet, I have gotten hills, no friction boots, and jetpacks done so far. I need to fix the hills to be way better.IF ANYONE KNOWS A GOOD CODE TO DRAW 3D HILLS TELL ME!No name, but concept art for the HUD has been made!It is not much to play yet so no demo, I have only been learning 3d for about 3 days now, but I am good for a beginner.You guys play Halo Creator yet? This is the final release so you can find it here:
Add me or die ¬_¬Add more content next time, please.
I added you to a contact if thats alright with you.
Go on MSN, scum =D
I am on retard