Forcing myself to write, HC2 update....

Posted by Killpill28 on July 16, 2007, 4:11 a.m.

Yea, not much has happened, I made AI, and am tweaking weapons. I don't feel much like writing, I have felt weirdy sickish lately, and I have been trying to make less and less objects in HC2, so far I have saved about 15+ objects from weapons, by having all Human weapons one object and one for all Covenant weapons. And the weapons the units hold are separate objects, so now all races can use every weapon, and I do not have to make a separate object for every weapon they hold. And bullets do the damage and not the object that gets hit, so now there in no longer the "stopping" when hit by a bullet.

I have not done dual wielding, and I do not plan too, if you do want dual wielding, I mean a lot, then tell me now!

I could talk all day, but I do not think I would make sense.

I saw Transformers! PWNAGE MOVIE, like a war movie, with robots. See it, now.


Radial543 17 years, 7 months ago


Kaz 17 years, 7 months ago

