Okay. I worked even harder for to get this than for the comment system.
Also, I want to thank slayer dojo for helping me make it. Without his help, I would still have a website with a design that everyone hates exept for me.Now instead of complaining about the layout, all you have to do is change it.I will also be adding many more templates to database.Another thing I did was add more resources. I added two sprites and a gigantically huge platform character sprite sheet.One of the more text based things I did on the website was add a Cheats page. I will soon fill that up to the brim with good cheats. I'm planning on putting Gears of war cheats on the website.Here's the link:http://www.largames.com/That's all for now,-Luis
There's nothing much to say; nice site.
I like it too.
The other themes are ugly though.