Let's Play Morrowind Episode 2 :Much Improved?

Posted by LAR Games on Sept. 6, 2011, 1:32 a.m.

Here's the second of my Morrowind let's play. The sound is better, and I'm starting to get used to talking and playing something.

Also, all of these are in HD.

I split up the second episode into two episodes, and I'm uploading that as I type this. :D

EDIT: Here's the second part:


Cesque 13 years, 5 months ago

Yep, that's much better!

Some general comments about the LP - your explanations feel a bit slow sometimes, like right at the very beginning or before talking to Haphat Anabolicsteroid - it's good to have some spontaneity when making vids about games. Also, I was expecting the LP itself to be a bit slow as well, but you're doing surprisingly good - I remember that my playing Morrowind consisted mostly of heading in wrong directions and into wrong houses while checking the map and the journal all the time.

Oh, and if you still don't know, lokcpicks pick locks and probes remove traps :)

I hope you'll play through the main story missions, because I was never much into the main story missions, so I have no idea what the main plot of the game is (aside from "you're the chosen one, go kill the evil dude").

Also, magic is probably the most powerful route in terms of character build, but hard to get into on your first playthrough.

LAR Games 13 years, 5 months ago

The probe thing would have come and handy before. lol.

Oh, and when I paused like that, I started saying something, and then I forgot what I was going to say because I'm not completely used to multitasking like that. haha.

I'm probably not going to be a mage this playthrough, even though I was a battlemage in oblivion and probably going to be one in skyrim because I don't like that you have to switch to magic completely to use it.

JID 13 years, 5 months ago

Let's plays and live feeds are beginning to become 64D fads.

JuurianChi 13 years, 5 months ago

And I'm still Perpetually different….

LAR Games 13 years, 5 months ago

Hmm, now what am I going to livestream?

EDIT: I know! Me drawing stuff for my rpg game. I've been wanting to redo the art.