Gears of War Rage

Posted by LAR Games on Feb. 1, 2012, 6:45 p.m.

Well, a couple of weeks ago I acquired both Gears of War 1 and two on amazon because I thought it was time for me to finally beat 1 and start on two so I can eventually play 3.

Now I remember the Reason why I never beat the first one. The last boss is the hardest most frustrating thing I've ever had to encounter in a video game in my life.

I think I've died about 80 times at this point and am incredibly frustrated. That guy is an intolerable pain in the butt.

At this rate, I'm never going to play Gears of War 2.

I'm playing the game in Hardcore mode at the moment and it seems just impossible. Have any of you beat the game in hardcore mode? And if so, how? I just can't do it.

In terms of difficulty, the entire game would have been a 5/10 in hardcore mode, but when it gets to this point it inexplicably skyrockets into 10/10 for no reason and without warning.

I'm ready to pull my hair out, but the completionist in me doesn't let me let this go and move on already.

Sigh, I should have never borrowed this game in the first place.


JID 13 years ago

I automatically signed in as soon as I saw something posted about Gears of War.

I beat all of the Gears games on Insane.

And I made General RAAM my bitch several times.

If you ever need help beating the game on insane, send me a message.

JID 13 years ago

Also, Gears 2 is way less difficult than Gears 1.

There's only one part during Gears 2's campaign on insane that was so frustrating that I wanted to stab a baby.

LAR Games 13 years ago

Haha. I had a feeling you would. And I would just be happy beating it on hardcore. I don't even know how it's possible without co-op.

JID 13 years ago

Gears has always been more of a co-op game. It's only amazingly fun when you have people to play with.

Also, you don't have Gears 3 do you?

LAR Games 13 years ago

Nah, I don't. I also don't plan on getting it till it's like 20 or less. I'm not that big a fan or anything, I just want to finish the story.

EDIT: Do I have you as a friend on Xbox live?

Eva unit-01 13 years ago

I've beaten Gears 1 on both the Xbox and PC (hardcore)

Gears 2 (whatever)

And Gears 3 (going through co-op on insane with my gf)

And I gotta say out of those, Gears 1 is both the hardest, and the most irritating. Mostly due to it being that this is the time before they really fleshed out the movement mechanics. I mean I've dodged right into a locust that ends up chainsawing me, the splash damage on the boomshot is less than the nades, and the lancer is close to useless on higher difficulties (thus I used the hammerburst most of the time).

Ugh, it was a pain. Although I beat RAAM co-op on hardcore a few days ago in two tries, got all the tags finally. And the Dom achievements. I r happeh.

I suggest bringing a torque bow, and sniper rifle for RAAM. And make sure to headshot him.

LAR Games 13 years ago

Someone suggested using the rail gun at the end of the level, and I tried that a bunch of times as well, but I just couldn't kill him. I'm starting to wish that I can use an attack where we all sit down and talk this out. lol

I've been using a machine gun that shoots in bursts and the sniper rifle the whole game, and it was pretty much a breeze, but I don't know how the game can spike in difficulty like this. It's weird.

Also, Dom dies too easily.

JuurianChi 13 years ago




No matter how many times I say it, it still doesn't sound scary or awesome.

JID 13 years ago

Nah, I don't. I also don't plan on getting it till it's like 20 or less. I'm not that big a fan or anything, I just want to finish the story.
Well, you should get it soon, it's by far the best one. Well, for co-op and multiplayer anyways.

I liked Gears 3's campaign, but I thought its ending to the story wasn't as large scale as it should've been and it didn't explain some of the biggest questions of the series.

But the variety, pacing and unexpected moments is what made me like the campaign.

Eva unit-01 13 years ago

If you need to co-op, I'm up for it. But lemme know, cause I have class right now.