Dead Puppy

Posted by LAR Games on March 30, 2012, 5:13 a.m.

Once again, my dog had puppies. Today in fact. Not too long ago either.

I was watching something on the computer when I felt some thirst setting in. So, I went to the kitchen while also stumbling in the darkness and trying not to wake anyone up. I acquired the drink and headed back to my bedroom.

When I opened the door, I noticed the smell I didn't detect while I was inside. I had gotten used to it while I was busy on the computer. Leaving and coming back had made me aware of the difference.

It was a scent I was all too familiar with. The smell of birth.

I instinctively looked under my bed. There was my dog. All wet from the fluids that result from the occasion. Next to her, quite a distance away, was a puppy's body. Unmoving and cold.

I knew it was dead. Still made sure. Sat there for a couple of minutes hoping it would start breathing any second.


During the time I was waiting, I realized there were two other puppies as well. Fortunately, they seemed pretty healthy, so that was a relief. I helped my dog position them in places where they could all be more comfortable. It's all I could think to do at that point. I then proceeded to dispose of the little corpse. I never get used to doing that.

One thing I also noticed, is that my dog looks all right for now. She seems pretty health as well. And with that, I am content.

All in all, things didn't turn out so bad this time.


Rez 12 years, 11 months ago

boy, it sure is L.A.R. in here

Eva unit-01 12 years, 11 months ago

Man, when I had my last cat, she had six kittens under my couch, it was a bloody mess, though they all came out healthy, except one that was pretty weak… Being Human, I sort of bent the laws of nature to help her out.

All went well, they grew up nicely, I had six kids for a bit, two died of… causes :c, and I had to give them away when we moved :CC.

Anyway, have fun with the puppies, lol.

LAR Games 12 years, 11 months ago


Yeah. Hopefully we'll find them an good home soon.


I.. don't know what that means.

@Eva unit-01

Yeah, it's always sad when you have to part with the new babies in the house. We'll have fun with the puppies until then. :D