The Elder Scrolls Online

Posted by LAR Games on Feb. 6, 2013, 7:32 p.m.

So, The Elder Scrolls Online. I'm pretty sure everyone thought this would happen eventually. At first I was pretty skeptical about this game, but as more information has been released, I can honestly say that this is the game I'm looking forward to the most in the near future.

One of the big things that I was most upset about is that MMOs are usually in third person, and the Elder Scrolls has always been a first person series. Apparently, you have the option to play in first person as well in the Elder Scrolls Online. That made me as giddy as a schoolgirl.

Also, hasn't everyone wanted an Elder Scrolls Game that took place in all of Tamriel? I sure did. This is now reality.

Here's a video about it:

What do you guys think? Looking forward to it as much as I am?


JID 11 years, 8 months ago

never played any of TES games before Skyrim.

when I first played skyrim I didn't like it too much, but as soon as I finished the first dungeon and the first few quests and got into the open world, I was extremely impressed with how huge the map was and how much was packed into it.

I dunno about any other Elder Scrolls games, but I don't see how anyone could hate Skyrim, after they spent a little time getting used to it.

The most ambitious game I have played so far, and it delivered on almost all of it.

Eva unit-01 11 years, 8 months ago

I just want a Fallout 4. But preferably not from Beth,

Darthvender 11 years, 8 months ago

I liked Skyrim quite a bit, but I have a rule about never getting excited about any MMO.

JID 11 years, 8 months ago

yeah, fallout 4.

if it's anything like skyrim but with futuristic tech, guns and exploding heads, I'll buy it in a heartbeat

Cesque 11 years, 8 months ago

I'm just curious how this turns out. Hopefully not just WoW with khajits.

Toast 11 years, 8 months ago

The things I dislike about Elder Scrolls are the terrible, cliched mythology and the completely unlikable characters with ridiculous mid-Atlantic accents.

I don't understand why I'd want to play a generic MMO with that shit tacked on.

"opinions" "opinions" "opinions" "opinions" "opinions" "opinions" "opinions" "opinions"

Juju 11 years, 8 months ago

…and I'm sure the sceptics out there will wanna know why.
No, I don't know who this guy is, nor do I care. If he was in any way impartial (i.e. not a fan) then I might care.

Also, can someone stop this jerk-off from using TES lore in his spiel? It's fucking annoying.

JuurianChi 11 years, 8 months ago

Also, can someone stop this jerk-off from using TES lore in his spiel? It's fucking annoying
This is kinda how I feel about everything I like.

When the game was first announced (Last year in June) I was excited not because it was another Elder scrolls game - But because it was an opportunity for a company that didn't suck to make an mmo that didn't suck.

We've had the same multiplayer technology for over a decade.

I'm not excited to just click a mouse and watch things happen with little pay out otherwise.

So Elder Scrolls Online better have a good story or I'm calling the fuzz.

Juju 11 years, 8 months ago

The vast majority of stories in literature, film and games follow one character dealing with exceptional/out-of-the-ordinary circumstances. Multiplayer games necessarily have a larger narrative scope. The challenge for MMOs is how to construct engaging stories without limiting the number of main characters. To compound the problem, the stories need to be interactive as well.

Game writers are only just getting to grips with robust interactive stories in single player. I honestly don't think the video game medium is mature enough for story-driven MMOs to be taken seriously. I guess we can't stop dreaming though, eh?

Rez 11 years, 8 months ago

The things I dislike about Elder Scrolls are the terrible, cliched mythology and the completely unlikable characters with ridiculous mid-Atlantic accents.

yes. now here's why I want fallout 4 and to never play another TES game again

Skyrim is massive and all, but it's inhabited by 3 kinds of mindnumbingly boring medieval archetypes that run around saying, doing, and thinking the same fucking things as the last thousand nord clones you just encountered. Warrior dude, scholar guy, notwarrior guy who still talks incessantly about nothing. And some times, stronglady. All the other races get one stereotype for the entire game that says the five same things.

The problem with Skyrim's approach to NPCs, is that who the person is, is determined completely by their gender, their race, and their faction. Not their past, not how they perceive the world currently… nope. All characters on the same faction think the same thing, it's just that… sometimes they're either a lady or a lizard.