Watch the Marathon!

Posted by LAR Games on Oct. 29, 2013, 3:45 p.m.

I have to say this is the best quality video I've ever made. Not content wise, of course. lol

I mean the actual quality of the video file. I think I've finally perfected the rendering technique to get videos almost looking like the uncompressed source files. I'm pretty proud of that. :D

Anyway here they are, may the history of our marathons be forever preserved!

Episode 1 - The Circle of Life: (First Episode)

Episode 2 - Stuck in a Cave:

Episode 3 - Game of Thrones is Awesome. Just Saying.:

Episode 4 - Explosive Tree:

Episode 5 - In My Mind

Episode 6 - It's Not How Big It Is:

Episode 7 - Spirit of Competition:

Episode 8 - Nothing Happened:

Episode 9 - DIAMONDS! The Race begins:

Episode 10 - I WIN EVERYTHING!: (Last Episode)

Bonus: Adventure Time!:


LAR Games 10 years, 10 months ago

Wow. I didn't know someone discovered before this…

That's pretty cool. I thought that they led us there because they were tired of waiting for someone to find it. lol