As I was on a vacation, but now I'm back.. I found this awesome song that a finnish band made. It's great summer music. Valvomo - Mikä Kesä ? If you are interested you could listen to it somewhere. You wouldn't understand anything it says because it's in finnish.. But you could enjoy it anyway =D The summer seems to get hotter and hotter.. It's almost 30c here right now. =)
And my games got on the archive finally =) And they made the firstpage game showcase better, now I like it =D A lot has happened in my vacation days, but I guess I can get right on tracks. And btw, I quitted the summer competition.. Didn't have time. =( And didn't need a PSP anyway, no more consoles to my house. =)Do you have any summer songs that you listen to the whole summer without getting bored ? =) Tell me and the others. And also, I changed my avatar =D
Nice avatar! I would simply suggest if you like remixed video game music, but otherwise, I have nothing.
Hey! Welcome back!
Your avatar looks pretty professional, good job! Its very hot here too (in the netherlands), but the tempature is changing a lot… yesterday it was 15c and now its almost 30c!!Cya!- Fox-NL