
Posted by LauriP on June 19, 2006, 12:59 p.m.

I got an interest in 3d glass effect. You know, the blue red 3d effect you can view with special green red glasses ? As I have searched I found one "game" using this as making butterfly's fly outside the screen. Does anyone know how to make this interesting effect in GM ? Or does the maker of this butterfly "game" use 64digits ? Here is a pic of the effect if you don't have any idea what I'm talking about. And also I found a 3d maze system made with this same tecnique. The effect is called anaglyph. I found this later than I posted this and changed the picture to a better one =) This effect would allow true 3d, getting the images off the screen…

Off from this blog : And as I'm a Amy Diamond fan I would like to know why people don't like her music ? =D All my friends at school say that they don't like music like that and her singing is terrible.. Anyone heard any songs from her or anything ? …and why did they play her first song so much ? Everyone got furstrated and I think that's the reason no-one listens to her. =D

And if I get an answer to the first question, I would certainly make a game using this tecnique.

That would be really interesting. And it would unlock some gaming ideas too.. Hmm…


marbs 18 years, 8 months ago

hmm. Im sure I've seen a pacman game or something made using that method, but I didn't play it because I don't have the galsses. I'm not sure how you'd go about it.

*sudden clever though*

You could draw the sprite to the side but blend it with another colour. If you got that jusr right, you could make one easily!

I would make an example, but I don't have any of those glasses =(

Eternal 18 years, 8 months ago

There was a game that I downloaded once on the GMC that drew bugs using that effect.

melee-master 18 years, 8 months ago

XD I've never even heard of Amy Diamond.

LauriP 18 years, 8 months ago

Quote: marbs
I would make an example, but I don't have any of those glasses =(
Oh, that's too bad =( I will try to work on some blending options…

Quote: etpayn
There was a game that I downloaded once on the GMC that drew bugs using that effect.
Yeah, I saw that too.
Quote: melee-master
XD I've never even heard of Amy Diamond.
xD Check out her website.

Tyranic-Moron 18 years, 8 months ago

I once saw one that drew rotating lines, which if you wore 3d glasses, turned into 3d spinning cubes… dunno where that was though, sorry :/