Beta Posted.

Posted by LauriP on June 22, 2006, 9:55 a.m.

I finally was ready to post Beta of Project Aqua Dash. There isn't really much more than you saw on the screen a few blogs below. =) I also posted the Boulder Dash Engine, which shows how to make a game like P.A.D. As for future plans on working at P.A.D, I'm planning to use 39dll V2 or something else to make online multiplayer. That would be really sweet and fun to squash your friend under a rock or blow hes/her character to the grave with the bombs =D The game is really better than the first version, which was so buggy and bad looking. =/ Now I'm satisfied with this release =D

And I'm leaving again tomorrow for Midsummer day to Kuusamo. That would be really boring.. Well I'll see that tomorrow =D 3 days I will be there and come back at sunday night. And this time the MSN Live Plus! has arrived to the internet I hope =P

What else to say ? The weather has calmed down from the extreme heat and now it's just cool. Not hot but somewhat warm. It rained and thundered last night. And I finally found my Fury of the Furries soundtrack (mp3's), those songs are really finely made for a game, and they are fun to listen. =)

I also made an superb (IMO) signature to be used on forums from my blog picture. I also advert 64Digits in it so.. Just wanted to post it =D : The pictures have border though (that's because of 64Digits and the awesome autoborder script =D)

Today from the TV comes Lost and 4400 and I really like those shows. Don't tell me any spoilers or I will revenge you some way! Lost is only at the first season and so is the 4400.. Finland is really behind of any show. =/ It's a real bummer to hear about some emmy winning show's before the states or some place else. Well, I'm satisfied if they arrive here sometime..

Have a nice day and I hope I didn't bore you much =) (321 hits, w00t)

And I finally changed the font of my blog after seeing it myself from an another comp… Horrible.. :/


Tasm 18 years, 8 months ago

That looks sweet! Good luck with P.A.D.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 8 months ago

lost is done the 2nd season here in the states lol