The next steps

Posted by Legolas710 on Jan. 21, 2008, 10:44 a.m.

Well, it has been more than a month since I blogged last.

Freeze Tag ( has been making some good progress lately. We decided to redo the whole engine, and we are also redoing most of the graphics.

We are also changing it so that it works with widescreen monitors well. It already checked whether it would be fullscreen or not, and it worked fine, but now we have it stay at fullscreen, and depending on what the resolution the monitor is at, it will be at a room with the same dimensions. This already looks great! The game also is now using a simple extension that I made which will sense if the debug menu is running or not. I know that there have been extensions like this before, but I have this one customized and I know how this works.

Probably the biggest change though will be this; Freeze Tag is getting a new name! If you have any ideas for a good name, please post here! The name will need to be original as it will be trademarked. Oh, and there no longer is any of the Serial stuff!

Also, I have one sidenote: XSoft Games' site is now at and is also being redone.

So, if you have any good names for FT, post them here! I'll also try to blog more often ;)


F1ak3r 17 years, 1 month ago

555th hit. Freeze Tag… perhaps I should download that. Oh, and why do you want a new name? There's nothing wrong with the name Freeze Tag. But it's your game. Just don't put a colon (:) in the new name. And please don't make it an acronym that spells a real word.

Legolas710 17 years, 1 month ago

It will be an original name, and it won't (I don't think) have a colon in it. One reason we are renaming it is because then people will recognize it better (e.g. someone may ask you if you have played Line Rider, but what if they ask if you have played Freeze Tag?).

Another reason is then it can be trademarked.

Jaxx 16 years, 11 months ago

GOod luck with it =D

I for one, can never think of names <.<

Legolas710 16 years, 10 months ago

Okay. Thanks anyway!