New Site up and.... F#$% it broke again?!

Posted by Littlebear on Oct. 13, 2012, 5:23 a.m.

Hey guys hope this blog finds you all well, as the title implies I have been hard at work making my new website. Well the honest answer is actually I have been trying to learn while I create the site, at the same time and I have found that that is the best recipe for breaking you site multiple times!

The worst part of it all is me forgetting to back up the site before making changes (yes I know n00b mistake) and then everything breaks and I have to start over with what I have left.

All the above being said I have learnt allot about HTML, CSS and PHP in the last 3 months but I don't claim to be an expert at all, but it is very interesting how things have changed since the last time I made webpage(s) that being when HTML 3 was still in rotation and PHP and CSS was still a dream.

I don't want to ramble on and en up with a huge blog so without further delay I present

PS. There might still be a few bugs, feel free to spam about them if you want and I will fix them when I get time.

PSS. Any suggestions welcome!


Littlebear 12 years, 4 months ago

@ Stevenup7002 - Thanks for checking it out, I was sort of going for retro design but if it hinders more than helps then I will review it again.

Recent Activity feed needs to be fixed, really don't know how I missed that sorry, the function for the login is that the people that are helping with the games music and art can login and upload their work directly to the site it's not open to the public yet.

Littlebear 12 years, 4 months ago

So only 1 constructive reply?