End of Day 4 - Bang Bang

Posted by LoonOfNature on April 4, 2014, 10:52 p.m.

HI THERE all those who haven't been assimilated yet, I am part of the dynamic gameplay duo Burning Loon (@farenhiet and me, @LoonOfNature) for the #64DSC and will be representing them, I mean us, in the devlog capacity for the duration of the competition(you can tell by how I speak in Twitter-Latin).

We are working on a small color draining/puking puzzle game called…well right now the project folder is labled _Bang so that'll work for now. Also you don't really puke the colors but actually maybe you could…(this is why we have design documents).

Design Sketch! From probably 1AM after the competition started. Now what you have here is A)Islands of color slowly being eaten away at by an Entropic Curtain, and B)A simple puzzle level with spaces that intersect with itself. And two characters. You're the left one. You're traveling with the right one. And by 'traveling' I mean you have to carry their sorry ass through the Entropy as they're your source of vials.

This would be a good time to mention I am not the artist for this project. That's @farenhiet's position. Those boxes are meant to be the vials. Those colored cylinders are going to be much more emotive I'm sure. Basically right now you subtract either the R,G, or B channel into a vial which then increases the volume of it's contents till it's full and slowly changes it's RGB. That's not quite how it's intended to work. Also at the moment "Gray" (.5 R, .5 G, .5B) is considered "empty/dead" right now given how subtracting all Red but having full G and B leads to magenta I wasn't sure if that would be confusing for players or not. Basically the drain/mixing logic could probably be more sensible but I need to get mechanics and stick with them soon enough so we can actually get to designing the puzzly bits.

The intention is that you need to drain color to A)Keep yourself from statufying in the entropy and B)Make statufied objects interactable/moveable long enough to use them. You get color by leaching it from things that have color. Doing so contributes to the slow doom the islands of color (and the entity's inside them) face. But do you really care? :V

I saw some pictures of the models @farenhiet is working on but I can't seem to find them now. They have polys.

It is my goal to maybe get the draining, pouring, and some other mechanics involved in "turning on" statufied objects by Day 10, so we can start in earnest on actual level design.

Good Day and I hope you all do well/survive the night.


Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

It sounds cool, but it's hard for me to conceptualize. You should keep blogging your progress, though so I can understand it a little better as it goes on. I'm sure I'll get what's happening once I see it in motion with more "finished" graphics.

Interesting, either way!

LoonOfNature 10 years, 10 months ago

That's basically what my teammate said "I'M GLAD YOU'RE KEEPING IT SIMPLE. THAT WAS SARCASM". We almost strangled each other just talking about the idea. There May Be Blood.