EB Games sucks majorly

Posted by Magicman657 on Feb. 18, 2007, 7:06 p.m.

Here I go, I'm very pissed off and feel the need to express why.

I went to EB Games the other day because I needed to buy the Diablo 2 Battle Chest so my expansion characters aren't deleted. I called up my friend to give me a ride, and when I get there, I find that they have 2 of the battle chests there. Ok, great, I ask to buy them both. Then, just as I'm handing him money (after he already rang up stuff), he says "Oh wait, show me ID." Now I'm 18, but because I don't have a car I haven't gotten a permit to drive so I don't have proof of birth. The part that pisses me off is that he wouldn't sell the crap to me even though he sold other crap before to my friend who took me there (who is only 17) and never asked him for ID.

Pissed off, I left and came back today. I had my aunt with me and she paid for the game. The guy took the box and opened it to check that the disks were there. He said they were. It cost 40 dollars (on the box), and when I tried to use my card he said the card only gave a discount on USED games, this was apparently a NEW game. I left and went to my grandma's house to watch the Daytona 500. When I got home, I opened the box up and the f***ing thing was missing the Diablo I disk and the Expansion disk. Everything else was there except the one frickin disk I needed the most. What kind of pathetic store has a NEW DIABLO II BATTLE CHEST and even CHECKS THE DISKS BEFORE HANDING IT TO ME that is MISSING DISKS FROM IT?

It's complete bull. I just tried calling the store and apparently they're closed at 6, so I can't even complain until tommorow. Keep in mind each day is 1 day closer to expired characters on the Expansion Realm. I am so angry right now it's not even funny.


Blanket 18 years ago

lol….EB games does kinda suck.

GMWIZ 18 years ago

I like gamestop better even though it owns eb-games

OBELISK 18 years ago

Game store employees don't love you. They just want children's tears to put in their cereal. One time I tried to sell Gamestop a Gamecube game (that was rather new at the time) and they wanted ONE FUCKING DOLLAR for it.

Kaz 18 years ago

I like BitTorrent the best. Good prices, and they never usually screw things up.

flashback 18 years ago

Some clerks jack the discs when "checking", you know.

LoserHands 18 years ago


melee-master 18 years ago

Yeah, EB is horrible. But you honestly shouldn't be getting pissed over losing shit in a game.

Killpill28 18 years ago

Oh god, I reserved Halo 3 there! *Kills self knowing Halo 3 will never be his*

LoserHands 18 years ago

They are retards, sue them. Period. JK don't go to that extent but just slap the shit out of hime when you refund it. Hehe.

Cesar 18 years ago

Isn't the first time… something similar happened to me

ok, so I get to Gamestop, I'm 14 but I look more like I'm 12. So I buy Twilight Princess. I get it and everything, so I find that the disk is already scratched… perfect… I go back, same there, only refund on used games… so I have to take a used label from a game my brother had to give it back… They take it without asking and give me a FULL REFUND (really hard to get at the time) They didn't even check the fucking label of a game we bought for like 10 dollars… they check it to make sure it's TP and that's it… yeah, so I bought another game at Target to prevent that hassle >_>

They also wanted to buy my NeoGeo Pocket Color for freaking 20 dollars, when on Ebay it's worth 100+ for it's rarity >_>