Glass window + hand = 2 days off from work!

Posted by Magicman657 on Feb. 25, 2007, 8:12 p.m.

Hey everyone… I'm aware my blogs recently haven't been all that updated, I just get busy/tired from work and school and never feel like writing anything meaningful.

Alright, so for everyone who thinks I'm an idiot, this will likely confirm that belief. Last Friday I got home from school, and my sister was unlocking the door to the house. So naturally, I try to push the door open by pushing on the glass part of it. The glass was about 1/4 inch thick, I think to myself, "There's no way it could break." Well, let me tell you, I was wrong. My hand went straight through the glass window and it shattered everywhere. I went upstairs immediately because the blood was running off of my hand pretty good. After picking out most of the visible glass shards, I ran it under cold water for about 15 minutes while waiting for my papy to get to my house (my mom had just had surgery on her wrist that day and couldn't drive). We wrap it up in a towel (it had stopped most of the bleeding by then) and drove up to a medical office called Redicare. After about 2 hours of waiting, the doctor (the only one there <_<) looked at my hand, had it x-rayed, and then finally told us he wasn't sure if there was any glass in the laceration on my hand, so 20$ and 2 hours later, there we were, having to go into the hospital to get it cleaned up. It took no more than 20-30 minutes at the hospital, the doctor looked at my hand and after 1 minute said there was no glass in my hand. It took about 3 minutes to get it stitched up (only 2). Afterwards, I had to get a tetnus shot, which took about 20 seconds. I received an excuse that said I shouldn't go back to work until today :). The funny thing is that the cuts from the glass didn't actually hurt at any point, the only thing bothering me is my arm is a bit sore from the tetnus shot.

Fun weekend indeed.


Flea1991 17 years, 12 months ago

Lol, good one MM. [;)]

DesertFox 17 years, 12 months ago

My brother did that.

Dr_Eechmen 17 years, 12 months ago

My friend did that once… anyhow, glad to hear you're off of work. ;)

atsurai 17 years, 12 months ago

My friend had that happen to her. I kinda wish it would happen to my right hand, then I wouldn't have to write. >.>

firestormx 17 years, 12 months ago

Mmmm, blood everywhere…

Cesar 17 years, 12 months ago

lmfao, did you even stop and think

a) how old the glass was

b) what type of glass was it

c) how much strength you would require

could've saved your hand from glass

oh, also, cuts from glass don't really hurt… they feel warm, THEN you notice the bleeding :D

[deleted user] 17 years, 12 months ago

Quote: MrPacman
they feel warm, THEN you notice the bleeding :D

Hmmm… my neck feels warm…