Episode III: Return of the Magicman

Posted by Magicman657 on Sept. 4, 2007, 5:11 p.m.

So yea, I finally posted again. Been a while, indeed. What I've learned is simple. 64D is life. You can never escape it. No matter how hard you try, you will always come back to it eventually.

I just started classes at the local community college, learning html is… kinda fun, but nothing surprising. Calculus is the same as ever. Somehow I think I'll have problems relating to me and the not-doing of my homework, but we'll deal with that monster when we get to it.

I'm playing OGame :D Feel free to ship me some Crystal if you have an excess, I need plenty (1:231:6 ;P) I make way too much metal, so I just build lots of rocket launchers. Goal is to build a Deathstar as soon as I can, it's a long ways off but I'll get there eventually. Currently working on Bombers.

I came up with a cool idea for a GM game, but I need a wireless keyboard to do it because I use a laptop. Sounds weird, huh? I suppose it might unless you happened to know what I was thinking about :P The biggest problem I foresee is that I won't have enough motivation to actually finish it, which sucks because I don't want this idea to die.

tl;dr- Screw you, if you can't take 1 minute to read that then leave. (Hate too long; didn't read, but since I do Foreign Affairs in Cyber Nations I have to put up with it)


HeroofTime55 17 years, 5 months ago

tl;dr please?

Magicman657 17 years, 5 months ago

Meh. It's a required class for other things.

KaBob799 17 years, 5 months ago

im guessing the keyboard is an instrument or something else you would hold.

HeroofTime55 17 years, 5 months ago

lemme guess, guitar hero keyboard edition?

Already had the idea before you, already put it off till never before you.