MagiBlog #2

Posted by Magicman657 on July 4, 2006, 10:32 a.m.

Yep, another one.


Community members should be on the lookout for viruses in the games they download. It was reported recently that a game, Ludakill, was found to have a virus in it. If you find a virus in any game you download from 64D, you should instantly notify the staff. More info here

Work on ColumnsX coming along nicely, the recently released screenshots are looking as beautiful as ever. Several lucky 64D users have been included in the game as AI, are you one? More info here

Magicman is eagerly awaiting for his Inventory Example to pass through the queue. Keep your eyes open for it to show up in the next couple days.


Since none of you bothered with the last challenge, that's more adspace for me :)

*Visit GM Clans, you will find friends, fun, and free pie! It's a great place to practice your skills and hang out with all types of people.

*Magicman657 is still looking for an available web designer! Please contact if interested.

*Be lucky I didn't put an Ad for Drink Tea or Die here, if no one does the challenge I might have to in order to fill up this space!


For this blog's music review, I chose Pyscho, by System of a Down. It's an interesting song, interesting enough to get put here. You can watch a video of them playing it here.


Since it is the 4th of July, Americans love to celebrate with fireworks. So, this challenge is to find the best picture of an explosion (preferably something resembling firework explosions) and post it here along with a short ad you want in the ad section.


According to the last poll, MSN is the preferred messanger, with AIM in a close second.

Question: What types of explosives do you play with the most? (Please list)


Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 7 months ago

Firecrackes and bottle rockets.

rockyran 18 years, 7 months ago

You suck ass. Why do you suck ass? For being a monkey and going with the entire DToD crapfest.

Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

I love Psycho.

Psycho. Groupie. Cocaine. Crazy.
