As some of you may be aware, I recently went nuts with the Drink Tea or Die craze. What would cause a normally sane (well, most of the time) person to become the world's biggest fan of the worst game made since Stop at 500? Simple, I was motivated to do good (or evil, it gets hard to tell which is which after a while) just like always :P I conspired to try to do a decent thing and get the cagematch to have good games in it again. The plan was to make a fan game that would replace Drink Tea or Die after it lost, and I worked damn hard trying to get that spot. Unfortunately, I discovered that MrKubus was discussing plans to put one of Kafeithekeaton's games in to replace DToD (I figured this after reading a topic on Kafe's forum). I am sorry for acting like a complete retard the entire time and hope that maybe through the works I have started to submit you will be able to regain respect for me eventually (I still can't figure out how I brought myself to post some of those comments though XD). To be honest, I don't give a crap what anyone thinks at the GMC (because frankly I think it's going to hell), but I DO care about my rep here.
~Magicman657, the most sarcastic individual to ever live since the invention of sliced bread
Do you like DTOD? If you dont, I like you again.
Im prety sure he hated it.
Anyone with half a brain knew it was a load of crap… (sorry to all the people with less than half a brain).
Bake us all cookies. NOW!
I WOULD believe you…but then again, here's what you said at the "Let's Go To The Grocery Store" game:
Yea, but I happen to know the person who made Let's Go To The Grocery Store in RL. And no he wasn't trying to make a DToD craze. He posted it and called me a bit later about it.
Don't make assumptions unless you actually can be sure that you're right.