Holiday is coool so far

Posted by Magnitude on July 25, 2007, 2 a.m.

Hello, this blog may be a bit wierd because I´m in peru and the keyboard is different.

Its alot different in South America than UK. There are lots and lots of salesmen, and saleswomen, everywhere trying to sell you something which is really getting on my nerves and so far in places i have been (argentina, brazil, chile, peru) there are loads of shanty towns and its quite a big insight into how other people live.

Communicating with others is often difficult to because we only speak english and they usually only speak spanish or portuguese lol.

I´m also taking some photos which seem unsual to my family and others. I´m taking pictures of walls, floors and barrels, you know why¿ because I´m going to edit them when I get home and turn them into textures lol for my new game Shadow Zone.

One guy who was trying to sell me a drink actually put the drink in my arm lol and gave me a straw. He seemed nice so we paid the guy.

We went to machu Pichu today and it was great (quite a few good textures lol) and it was really hot and I got a headache :(.

And Igazu Falls was great! It was like niagra falls but there was more falls and we went in a boat ride and the boat turned so sharpy you had to be careful not to fall in although the geforce of it kept people in ^^

Anyway thats it for now, thanks for reading (the few that probably did)



DesertFox 17 years, 7 months ago

That drink you got had LSD. And cocaine. You aren't really blogging, you really have been kidnapped as a sex slave for Shadow Yoshi!

Maxcore 17 years, 7 months ago

What the? OMG

Crane-ium 17 years, 7 months ago

Sounds like a good holiday. I'd want to go to a place like that, I like the heat, especially when I get to drink stuff during the heat.

Magnitude 17 years, 7 months ago

lol DesertFox