Chuck Norris!
Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia Earhart while she was flying over the Pacific Ocean.
Crop circles are Chuck Norris' way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie down. Chuck …Photoshop Works. (warning: Lot of pictures.)
<A href="">Pic</A>. <A href="">Pic</A>. <A href="">Pic</A>. <A href="">Pic</A>. <A href="">Pic</A>. <A href="">Pic</A>.<A href="">Pic</A>. <A href="">Pic</A>. <A href="">Pic</A>. <A href="">Pic</A>. <A href="">Pic</A>. <A href="">Pic</A>.<A …Equilibrium Points with Flash
<DIV> <EMBED height=500 width=500 src=""></DIV>
Just put your mouse over a circle, and drag it around, and watch as it affects the little… Head thing in the center.Trivial Virtuoso: Warning. Poetry.
He who may live,Yes, he may live,While,He who,HE WHO can die,He can die,He who lives by the sword,Realizes no wrongdoings,He who dies by the sword,Is a foolish,Brute,He who lives by the pen,Is, he who lives,He who …Basic movement with Flash
This is just real basic movement… Use the arrow keys to move the Circle around.Flash Movie i made earlier, when i was bored.
Talk about random-ness(You'll have to excuse the repetition.. I forgot to stop it from doing that… -headsmack-)Most annoying Thing ever...
Doesn't it just annoy you, how some people speak in Hacker 1337? Tell me that isn't annoying. If you're going to speak in such an immature langauge, at least make it NORMAL words, such as saying…
7|-|15 (()|_||_1) |33 (()//51|)3|23|) /-5 53//1-//()|2///-|_System Error: Perhaps someone can help?
I was running a few AV scans on my computer, when this popped up… I rebooted the system, and it has stopped coming up, but, at the risk of sounding computer illiterate… Can someone PLEASE tell me what the hell this is?
## An unexpected error has been detected …Randomly Good CD's (WARNING: CD's are good to ME)
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Kopfschuss (Headshot), by Megaherz… It was within this CD that the German Metal band, Megaherz, started to go More industrial….<IMG SRC="">Rosenrot (Rose Red), by Rammstein. This album, although not as… ENERGETIC, so to speak, as the other album's, features some of …Lightbulbs. Haha.
So. I look to my medals, and i see that i make poor games. Yeah, i suppose that's so. But, in any case, does it really matter? I've never truly gotten a grasp on GM's functionalities, and my friend has never taken the time to help me, no matter how …