A Random Blog Title.

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Jan. 27, 2007, 9:27 p.m.

Oh noes. It's something! Or nothing. Wait. What was it? I do believe that it was something at one point in time, but now it might as well be nothing if it isn't known to be something by me, who was originally creating it, and knowing it to be something other than nothing. Or something along those lines.

I'm not quite sure why I was saying all of that, but I really have nothing to say. The most exciting thing I could say was that I decided what classes I want to take next year.

I: English III

II: Geometry

III: U.S. History

IV: Physics (Fuck chemistry.)

VI: Pre-AP German III (German rocks.)

VII: A+ Basic Computer Systems (OR something like that. A+ Certification!)

VIII: Computer Science I - C++ (That class will be sooo easy.)

IX: Networking Technology

I'm surprised that I chose a normal class over an off-period. Oh well. I guess computers are more important than off periods. Haha.

Anyways. I've ran out of things to say.

Remember: Never forget to take the anti-death pills…

Um. Roar.



Takagi 18 years ago


I'm taking:

Latin IV

AP Language

AP Physics C

AP Computer Sci: Java


AP Government

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

I'm too lazy to take AP classes anymore. And my school doesn't offer Latin, that I know of… Sadly.

Java. Sucks. Plain and simple. I don't want to have to read an essay to know how a program works. Haha.

Kaz 18 years ago

Pre-AP classes? lol

Next year:



NeutralReiddHotel 18 years ago

I'm an 8th grader stuck in freshman class, phear me.

blueBX 18 years ago

Here are the classes I have next year:

Honors English 10A

Honors Chemistry

Algebra 2A

Spanish Speaker 2A

US History


melee-master 18 years ago

Gah, my school lacks in the computer course area. It bothers me.

Acid 18 years ago

@Mast3rmind: Same with me.