I've decided to set a few goals for myself. I started learning C tonight, and it got me thinking about a few goals I should really set for myself. So, by the beginning of the next school year, here are a few things I hope to achieve:
-Become better at the guitar(Random playing samples:http://garii.net.tc/music/Garii/?song=Strings%20-%20Garii.mp3http://garii.net.tc/music/Garii/?song-Strings%20II%20-%20Garii.mp3)-Begin coding my own OS (Name is tentative, just like everything else about it.)-Master C-Try not to kill anyone.-Seriously. Try not to kill anyone.Those are all my goals in the long-term. Anyways.So, I'm taking suggestions now for my tentative OS, and I would like as many as possible, that way I know who to include in the credits of the OS as inspiration, and what not.-filler-~G