Language Details: Enki

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 2, 2007, 10:58 p.m.

So. I started up in an RPG today, and I realized that I had to create a language for my character. Anyways. The details of this language will follow soon. But first, a bit of a background: The language was created by Vasilis Etikas (My character) when he reached a revelation in his life. A divine figure visited him in the night, and told him that he is to start Kameni Diatagi (Greek for Lost Order), and lead his people to freedom.

Kameni Diatagi is a guild of pacifistic magicians, which is why they speak this language, along with the language of the time: This language is what allows them to do magic, such as the (crappy) language in Eragon. What follows are the details:


Details: Magical language. Created by founder of Kameni Diatagi, Vasilis Ethikas



NOTE: Uppercase letters are the sound in the language.

Letter English Equivalent

A sAw

B Bye

CH/K chiCK

D meDical



G maGazine

GH/J John

I whY

M Me

N No

O Open

P Pyro

R moRe

T Tan

U mOOn

V diVe

Z hiS

CHT hitCH To


Example: Zetoz Votaji vogh Ghapogh = I see my big father (Literally: I POSSESSIVE see Father ACCUSATIVE Large)

Case of a word is determined by an affix.

Cases: Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Genitive, and Locative

Nominative: Main object; Subject.

Accusative: Direct object

Dative: Indirect object (Rarely used.)

Genitive: Possession (Rarely used.)

Locative: Showing location (Rarely used. Prepositions more prominent.)

The language is rather Agglutinative, so to speak. Whole sentences are made into a word based upon how you like to read the sentence. Agglutination or not is up to the writer.


End in -ki

Replace -ki with conjugation.

Conjugated as following:

EX. VERB: Enki - To Be

Past Present Future

1st -zar -toz -kim

2nd -ko -chit -tur

3rd -baz -zorg -zim

1st Pl. -azar -chtoz -chtim

2nd Pl. -chto -chito -chtur

3rd Pl. -abaz -chtorg -zimch

Gerund: Formed by removing -ki and adding -ghiki

The past tense can also be formed using two other methods: Past Perfect, or Past Indicative.

Past perfect: Conjugated form of Miki + 3rd Pl. present Conjugation of verb (Mitoz Enchtorg = I was (neglecting pronouns))

Past Indicative: Kavka + present conjugation (Kavka Entoz : I was.)

Future tense can also be formed with the addition of Ki before modfied verb (Ki Entoz = I will be/I will have been.)

Negative modifier: Ni ( Ni Entoz = I am not.)

Auxillaries: Sanki = To be able to, Dertoki = To have to, Moktiki = To like, Zaki = To want, Enki = To be


Gha - I

Govocht - You

Enk - He

Ke - She

Dazu - It

Vocht - We

Tekto - You PLURAL

Kanei - They

Gigh - One (Impersonal pronoun)

Dhiti - That

Kichtka - This


Kidh - Who

Ghaza - What

Vijan - When

Kovar - Where

Chtinv - Why

Choen - How

Ochiti - And

Obos - But…/On the contrary…/However…

Zav - Or

Vink - When (Referring to a single event)

Akta … Zor Na - As soon as …

To form the accusative form, add -chti to end, Dative: -zicht


Pluralization: Add -mogh to end of noun.

Accusative: -aji

Dative: -det

Genitive: -kal (Menaji Tiokal = The men of war)

Locative: Formed using prepositions


Follow same rules as nouns, if a noun is modified via an affix, said affix is also on adjective.

To form an adverb, add -chtoni to the end.

To form opposite of an adjective, add -te to the end.

Comparitive forms:

-jin : Minor comparitive

-amigh - Superlative comparitive

Dhak - Than



Ghoch - Out

Derzet - Besides

Nor - By

Chton - With

Avazit - After

Zichir - Since

Chtezi - Of

Kokta - To

Ondh - Until

Dorizi - Through

Zo - For

Ghig - Against

Zont - Without

Azonti - Around

Ka - At

Dhagh - On

Vint - Behind

Char - In

Zende - Next (to)

Oz - Over

Kuras - Under

Chorat - Before

Dhinur - Between

Zilt - Still

Vadato - Again


Enki - To be

SAnki - To be able to

Dertoki - To have to

Moktiki - To like

Zaki - To want

Miki - To have

Maghki - To summon

Koriki - To control

Zariki - To sit

Voloki - To envelope

Perturiki - To plague

Kaviki - To play

Kizoki - To hate

Gharoki - To love

Vuki - To wish

Zenaki - To destroy

Aschtiki - To eradicate

Zanghki - To sing

Dhaziki - To recite

Voloriki - To follow

Oboneki - To possess

Veroki - To research

Ka Peruski - To look at

Zordhiki - To purchase

Panki - To sell

Dhuniki - To do

Dhraziki - To praise

Maghtiki - To (do) Magic

Kamviki - To battle

Dhrinki - To drink

Bidetiki - To Build

Schtaki - To strike

Atoriki - To Attack

Ka Schariki - To slash at

Siniki - To sin

Dharoski - To think

Zeki - To see

Ka Zeki - To look at

Sakorki - To speak


Vam - Tree

Vodhir - Water

Dras - Rock

Chtorgin - Air

Vichar - Fire

Nazor - Nature

Chrondh - Ground

Maghti - Magic

Maghtiker - Mage

Kamviker - Warrior

Mondh - Moon

Zanor - Sun

Zuteru - Star

Chutuchtu - God

Desor - Sword

Desorer - Knight

Gzor - Group, Faction

Orginiti - Organa

Lunositi - Knights of Lunos

Dorniti - Dorna

Atoma - Dirt

Bidetiker - Builder

Beghini - Fundament

Zanti - Son

Vot - Father

Dochti - Daughter

Mot - Mother

Voghivot - Grandfather

Voghimot - Grandmother

Chanikos - Parent

Ghakvo - Liquid

Zarak - Language


Vogh - Big

Ghoj - Good

Paroti - Righteous

Vatir - Very

Darekt - Wet

Ghonikir - Long

Gotin - Loose

Ghort - Hot

Tati - Tall

Iton - Young

Sutu - Straight

Denaz - Fast


Martoz Govocht ghoj zo Gha - Pleasure to meet you (Literally: I meet you for good.)

Zagh! - Hello!

Indhi - Yes

Ni - No

Vaduz! - Good bye!

I doubt many people are going to read this, but if you do, I'd like to see what you have to think. I know that the language has a lot of weird pronunciation issues, but it's somewhat like Enochian: A magic language that is a bit hard to pronounce in many cases.

But, in any case, this is it.

Also, note that this is far from done.


Kaz 18 years ago

You have way too much fucking time on your hands.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

No, I don't have enough time. I can't finish the other 10 or so ones I'm working on.

s 18 years ago

You should try make it like Latin, where there are a few suffixs/prefixs/midfixs and they all merge togther to explain every new finding.

I find that I understand and remember science terms when I'm told their Greek/Latin meaning.

melee-master 18 years ago

That reminds me of Tolkein, inventing a langauge for this sort of purpose.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

Melee, I've invented a language for just about everything I can think of. I've invented over 10, as I have probably said.

Serprex, I already did that with another language. But latin doesn't have that many prefixes and midfixes, as far as I remember. It has inflected forms of nouns to show the case in a sentence, and the number, so, basically, if it's nominative, accusative, genitive, ablative, or what have you.

See, you're confusing Latin with an Agglutinative language, or more or less, a synthetic language, where meaning of something is derived from multiple affixes and morphemes. Such as Mohawk. Or Finnish. Although Finnish is just extremely Agglutinative.

Besides, whatever happened to suprafixes, like in english: Produce/Produce. One means to make something, to produce something, and the other, is what you buy in the store. The only way we know the difference is pretty much because of the suprafix: The change of a phoneme.

s 18 years ago

Ya, learning the derivites is about the best I have with language.

I like the language of the universe,math…

But on the note of human babble, do you know of a good site to learn babble?

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

Learning derivatives. Fun. Anyways. I suppose that math is the language of the universe. But languages are fun.

There's sites everywhere. Just look harder.

But what language could possibly be better than one I make? Haha.

I never get the chance to discuss language with people.

s 18 years ago

Do you find that languages seem to have a pattern?

I always get annoyed when they start making exceptions, I went to french immersion. Gendering stuff is a waste of time…

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

Not all languages have a pattern. Gendering is a waste of time, but it makes it funner to learn a language…

Anyways. Blah.

Kaz 18 years ago

Gender stuff is easy in French. At least, I have no problem with it. The thing I have problems with is tenses.