Chtönian Earth

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 7, 2007, 9:36 a.m.

YEah, I couldn't think of a much better name for it, so I named it that.

So. In the news for me:

-I broke my modem yesterday.

Seriously. I busted it. I got mad at it for not connecting at all. So I took it, and headbutted it. I think that qualifies for anger issues with me. And, even worse, my wireless card won't connect. At all. So I had to write this at school.

That's actually all the news with me.

Now to answer questions.

Rob, you asked me WHY I would possibly create another language, I believe. TO put it into terms, Chtönian is the complement to Enki. Go figure out why I'm creating Enki. If you're too lazy, it's because I'm dedicated to my RPGs. And I'm creating Enki as a magical language for one of them. Enki is the language of the good side, and Chtönian, being the complement of Enki, is logically the language of the evil side.

Not only are there those reasons, I find it entertaining to create languages and what not. It's a good way to waste time. But, it involves at least a tiny iota of skill, which you seem to lack! Hah. Nah. Nothing against you.

Now. What else is htere for me to say… Hm…

I think that I've ran out of things to say. But there has to be more..

Maybe a description of Chtönian is in order?

So. Primarily, and completely, Chtönian is an agglutinative language. I was thinking about making it inflectional, but then I decided to base a lot of the language around affixes. For instance, if you were to declare a noun as the subject of the sentence, unlike in English, where you would say, NOUN VERB, you would say, in this case, NOUN (Affix Modifier: Nominative) (Affix modifier: Person [, modifiers]) VERB . That is to say, assuming the noun were to be Chtyz, perhaps meaning Sword, and the verb would be Serrain, meaning "To swing," you would say something like Chtyzianiaserrain. Literally, it says: "Sword NOMINATIVE THIRDPERSON swing"

Of course, that's assuming that you use SVO order. Seeing as I don't want it to be extremely difficult, I'm going to put it as SVO, and keep it there.

The alphabet consists of about 31 characters, that is, 5 or so vowels, 19 or so consonants, about 6 digraphs, and 1 trigraph.

Digraphs are things such as ch, gh, and the like, two graphemes that combine together to make a single sound. You could call them diphthongs, if you wanted to.

The one Trigraph is cht, because otherwise, it would be pronounced "K-T", not "Ch-t", so on and so forth.

ANyways. I should probably get to work on it. I'll say more later when I have more to say.



Grand-High Gamer 18 years ago

How… indepth.

Firebee 18 years ago

I love making up languages. :D

Shork 18 years ago

Reminds me of Cthulu.

melee-master 18 years ago

Awesome language man.