
Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 9, 2007, 10:03 a.m.

A cookie to the person who knows what Bistromathematics is from.

Anyways. On to the actual body of the blog. There isn't much new I have to say today. I suppose some interesting news is that I am becoming a GM on a Ragnarok Online server. The game may be boring, but hey, if you have admin powers, who cares?

I'm still trying to think of other things to say.. But as I type on, I tend to realize that htere is really nothing for me to say. Ultimately, it would seem, my life is extremely boring. I haven't done any work lately on Enki or Chtönian, I have no clue why, and I haven't really done any work on anything, to tell the truth. I've just been extremely lazy as of late.

There's about a million other things that I could say at this point in time, but I believe that I am in the audience of eyes that wouldn't quite like what I have to say…

And yes. I'm referring to the people in my classroom. I was too lazy to write this at home.

Oh yes. I made a account. THat was it. THat's what I was thinking of saying. So. Anyone there, feel free to add me: GohAkumi.

Don't ask where the name came from.


frenchcon1 18 years ago

the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.


DesertFox 18 years ago

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - its obvious to anyone who has ever read the books. Fcon doesn't get a cookie because he didn't capitalize the name.

Takagi 18 years ago

A cookie to the person who knows what Bistromathematics is from.
Third book in HHGTG, as mentioned. What was it, Life, the Universe, and Everything?


MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

Wrong. The actual word is Bistromathics. Bistromathematics was from my mind.

Get it proper, please.

frenchcon1 18 years ago

@ desertfox ya, boo, sucks to j00!

@ takagi; yup