Theoretical Theoreticals

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 15, 2007, 9:32 a.m.

Just some thoughts, for once, from me.

I've realized my true theory on existence in the universe, in everything, overall. Existence is only defined on user-level, if you want to view it at that. Existence is fake, no one exists. My theory allows for all other theories to have a chance at being true, though, which I find is rather positive.

To unite theories is my idea. I say that there is possibly no god, but then again, there possibly is. There most likely is, actually.

Nothing is real. The big bang wasn't real. What are the odds that a quantum singularity was sitting around with his friends, and randomly decided to explode? Of course, all of the other singularities next to him decided to explode, making multiple universes, which we see as parallel multiverses, so on and so forth.

Ultimately, nothing truly exists, but it doesn't matter. Where nothing exists, nothing has meaning, except for the user themselves. The person who views themself as pointless is the person who does not exist at all.

Life is what you make of it.

Nothing exists, there was no big bang, truly, although there might have been a non-existent event known as the big bang.

Now please do be confused. I'm rather tired right now, so my logic is -6. Damn that helm of confusion. -tries to remove-


Cesque 18 years ago

Well, I'd say I like your philosophical thinking, except for the fact that the way you phrase is no one can possibly understand it except yourself. :P

I've realized my true theory on existence in the universe, in everything, overall. Existence is only defined on user-level, if you want to view it at that. Existence is fake, no one exists.

As far as I can understand it, you mean that since we're "users" of existence, it is real for us, but we don't exist in the objective, "outside" sense? Or maybe I'm confusing it all.

Nothing is real. The big bang wasn't real. What are the odds that a quantum singularity was sitting around with his friends, and randomly decided to explode? Of course, all of the other singularities next to him decided to explode, making multiple universes, which we see as parallel multiverses, so on and so forth.

I'm yet to actually see a pararell universe ;)

I don't believe big bang has been triggered randomly, or that it was uncaused*. My interpretation of various theories is that there is a layer in which all of the universes are set, the multiverse, which itself contains entirely different laws from reality as we know it. Then again, "physical laws" are largely based on physical constants, which are universe-specific, and in this "hyper-reality" they may have no place at all.

A more random approach would be to invoke practical quantum mechanics with a many-universes interpretation mixed with anthropic principle. Imagine that big bang is an infinitesimally probable event. But we live in a space of infinite possibilities, where just one of them is that the Big Bang occured. And since we exist, it is obvious we exist in a world of THAT possibility, and no other.

But I guess it doesn't affect your theory much ;)

* Note, however, that it was uncaused in THIS reality. If we view it entirely from the perspective of our universe, before big bang, there was no time or space for previous events to occur, hence there was no direct cause for big bang.

Shork 18 years ago

Ok, hows this: I, the user, observe you as a whale with chicken legs. Poof, you are a whale with chicken legs. I'll upload a picture of you later, when they are back up.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years ago

Quantum singularities don't have friends…

That's why they're singularities.

Maxcore 18 years ago

pwned by SJF. Also, by referring to all these things, you are implying they exist so your theory is pretty much wrong. A better way would be: "What existance?"

Rob 18 years ago

"Theoretical Theoreticals "

When I first read that I thought it said "Theoretical Testicles"

Cesque 18 years ago

Quantum singularities don't have friends…

That's why they're singularities.

Also, they only exist in sci-fi ;)