ɓʊǀøθ'd to death.

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 21, 2007, 7:17 p.m.

/ɓʊǀøθ/. That's exactly it. That only has two sounds that I know of that can be properly pronounced in english, ʊ, and θ. But it's an interesting word. That is, it's not a word in any language that I know of, but the pronounciation itself seems rather difficult… If you want to know how it's pronounced, go look up the symbols on Wikipedia.

Anyways. Now to the body of the blog. Torrenting is what I am currently doing. Hail satan. Or something like that. Just a few SOAD albums, that's about it, I believe.

In random news:


Don't ask. I was what people like to call bored. So hmph.

This blog is becoming rather short… So I say, to you… I have absolutely no clue.

<img src="http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/052/1/7/Hitchhiker__s_Guide_by_PhotoshopPhreek.jpg">



blueBX 18 years ago

I tried pythagorean theorem in the site. I used:


It gave me the answer 2. The real answer is 2(radical 2). So yeah. It's still cool.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

The answer may be 2(radical 2), but this basically gives the actual answer, as found via the sqrt() method in PHP.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

On second thought, I realized that I had coded part of the script wrong. So I decided to go back and fix it.

s 18 years ago

It'd be cooler if you had a part at the bottom show how it calculated it.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

Hm. I assume that people who are doing it already know how it's done. I'll do that later.