Welcome to the blog of MahFreenAmeh, assuming that you did stumble upon it. The title of my blog this time is rather easy, it's from the first song that I had ever heard by the band. Anyways. In news.
There isn't much news. -Recently, I have apprenticed myself to a Twilight. For those of you who don't know, A Twilight is a guardian of the Astral Realm, and I have dedicated myself to his teachings. He goes by the name of Gideon, his alter-ego by the name of Cha'Ke, He Who Is Dark in the tongue the name comes from, the astral tongue. -I incited a rather large war over opinions on a forum because of some things I said, namely disrespecting a large stereotype of people, for no absolute reason, other than fun. It turns out that these people weren't smart enough to figure out that I was joking, and they apparently still don't get it. If you say, "Blah blah blah… the fun way!" wouldn't you be joking?-I've learned that, if what my master says is true, the apocalypse may soon be upon us, and the only hope rests within a chosen few, it seems.-I started work on my CMS today, MFACMS, or, in the case of the website I'm desigining it for, the NextCMS. So far, I have the databases set up, the post page down, and the like. I still have to add filters, and the like, along with my tag system, search system, and comment system.-Me and my friend have started working on a new program for Macs: Picture recognition software, so as to compare two pictures to see if they are the same person. Gotta love C.-I've found that I get mad easily. I almost destroyed this laptop earlier because it kept freezing up.-I decided not to go to school today. That and, I had a major headache, and I almost fainted when I woke up, so, yeah, it would have been tough at school. I stayed home, downloaded music, and worked on my CMS. I downloaded about 100 Buckethead songs from a site I found on http://g2p.orgI do believe that's about it for now. It freaks me out to close my eyes, because I always see these figures, these heads, these blank faces, just staring at me. I want to know what this means.And, if you feel like joking around, try being serious, as I am for once.Now, for the <b>Language</b>The language I am about to document is an old language, that is to say, I started working on it about 4 months ago. I have it all described in a text file, and I don't feel like describing it further, so I will just copy-paste from the text file. It goes by the name of Cimplosi (Its original name), or, in the RPG, Saaliam, the language of the foreigners.——————————————————-Name: CimplosiCimplosi is a language that, as its name implies, is indeed simple. It does away with all complex tenses of verbs, or at least, special formation. It has one common conjugation chart all the way through, no irregular verbs, and a simple conjugation chart at that, that does not change at all. The alphabet consists of 17 letters, which follow (Note: some letters have alternates, which are in parentheses.)A - A in appleB (P) - Pp in appleC (S) - SS in hissD - T in HatE - E in MeF (V*) - PH in AlphaI (J) - Y in SkyK (CH) - CK in SackL - LL in FallM - M in MouthN - N in NorthO - O in RowR - R in RowU (OO) - OO in MoonX (KHR) - CR in Cross Y - E in MeZ - S in Set(I do notice that I have multiple representations of single sounds, but if you're going to complain about that, go look at Greek… -cough ETA UPSILON-)THere are a few accents that exist in this langauge, primarily Breves and Macrons, which mark the shortening and lengthening of a vowel respectively, such asĒ (With macron) sounds more like EA in seaĔ (with breve) sounds more like A in SayJust as well, diacritical marks exist over vowels to show that they are to be pronounced seperately of any other vowel near it. It's primarily used in combinations such as Ã?o, where it would be pronounced ((sk)Y-o) instead of (yo).PronounsIo - ITu - YouĔo - HeĔa - HerĔl - ItNǔss - We Vǔss - You (Pl.)Ĕya - TheyDet - ThisDat - ThatAccusative formsMi - MeTes - YouĔos - HimĔas - HerEol - It (Pronounced Yo-l)Nos - UsVos - You (Pl.)Ĕyasa - ThemVERBSVerbs all follow a common conjugation chart, which is not really much of a conjugation. All verbs end with the letter, -e/ē/ĕ. To form the stem of a verb, simply remove the e from the end, which also forms the imperative form of said verb. There is no verb conjugation, all you do is simply use the pronoun before the verb to describe the subject. FOr instance, Io sĕ means "I am." To form the past tense of the verb, you add -(e)ver- between the stem and the ending , such as Io severē means I was. To form the future tense of a verb, in the absolutist case, meaning you KNOW that you shall do it, you add -(o)ler between the stem and the ending, such as Io solerĕ means "I will be/I become", which is more or less a verb on it's own, an auxillary. To form the dubitative voice, which shows that you are not sure if you will definitely do it, you add the verb, aiĕ, such as Io aiĕ sĕ, meaning I may be. To show the negative form of a verb, I.E., to say that you did not do the verb, you add "net" before the verb, such as Io net sĕ means I am not. There are a few auxillaries that exist, which follow:Chēare - To wantMe - To have to (must)Ale - To be able to (can)Chĕle - To likeTo form a question, you start the sentence out with the verb, so as to say, "Sē tu deu oski?", meaning, "Do you see the sky?" To form the gerund of a verb, add -ni after the final letter. NOUNSAll nouns are pluralized in a similar way, such as if they end with a consonant that can be followed by -s, they add s to the end, and if they end with a vowel, s is always added to the end. In any case where adding an s to the end will hinder pronunciation, an -as is added to the end. Nouns are not given genders, so as to simplify things, but they can be given a so-called gender by adding a suffix to the end, before where the pluralisation marker will be. -mal is the male suffix, and -ala is the female ending.ADJECTIVESThere are no notes to adjectives, except how to form the comparitive forms.Positive Minor Comparitive - add -ir to the endPositive Superlative Comparitive - add -istel to the endNegative minor Comparitive - add -el to the endNegative superlative comparitive - add -elste to the end.DIRECT/INDIRECT ARTICLESUn = ADeu = TheUnor = SomeDeur = The (plural)NUMBERSCero - 0Unas - 1Dus - 2Tras - 3Fur - 4Cencho - 5Cec - 6Cebas - 7Eto - 8Neuf - 9Den - 10Unasi - 11Dusi - 12…Duski - 20Duski Unas - 21…Traski - 30…Centos - 100…Milenos - 1000…Milos - 1000000…Miljard - 1000000000Ordinal numbers are formed by adding -ke to the end of the number.PrepositionsAl - AtAn - OnHin - BehindEn - InOfos - OverOnt - UnderBur - BeforeEnti - BetweenUt - OutUtcor - BesidesBii - ByChon - WithNeit - NextCint - SinceOb - OfTe - ToTel - UntilDoor - ThroughPor - ForAni - AgainstChonut - WithoutAros - AroundIoto - AgainConjunctionsEna - AndAla - ButDe - OrInterrogativesKel - WhoKā - WhatKĕs - WhenKār - WhereKŏŏrt (Kūrt) - WhyKālka - HowPossessivesMes - MineTei - YoursDen - HisRen - HerTenos - ItsNuestra - OursVuestra - Yours (pl.)Ĕastra - TheirsCe - YesNon - NoSalut - HelloDio - ByeWORDLISTVERBSĔntere - To enterĔntende - To understandFiliĕ - To enjoySē - To seeNesĕ - To ownAmĕ - To loveSĕ - To beEksĕ - To live/existBelosĕ - To belong toTonĕ - To soundAlamĕ - To alarmDeke - To digStrĕ - To strikeHalĕ - To healOrĕ - To hear/To ListenEsitē - To sitTēne - To tellOsē - To speakMalĕ - To hurtMacĕ - To makeDĕ - To doSocĕ - TO shootNechĕ - To slaughterKĕsĕ - To kissKalĕ - To killDestĕ - To destroyWasate - To watchProtĕ - To studyWokĕ - To workLĕ - To layADJECTIVESNĕos - NewNenĕos - Old(Add ne before to make it the opposite)Chĕt - GoodHir - HotKĕna - DarkWĕrĕr - HeavyLikta - EvilTĕnir - FastKĕro - InterestingNOUNSOnda - DogKata - CatXezta - CrossBaxo - IdiotXonor - TimeRasa - PersonOtep - CreatureZali - Housing (Cave, house, building, etc.)Iowel - JewelZuta - StarIosu - InstrumentWēpin - WeaponXēs - ClothZil - MetalCholutu - God———————————————————————–~MahFreenAmeh Out~What to expect in the next blog: My experiences in the 5th dimension, a preview of my CMS, and the like.
Looks like a pretty cool language.
It's basically a simplified Romance language. That's what I view it as, to be teh honestzorz.
Yeah, I noticed a few French and Spanish words in there. I like it, overall. Was it hard to come up with?
Not at all. It's awkward if I have trouble coming up with a language, these things tend to come naturally to me. However, sports do NOT.
私は第52 次元を経験した。
Sweet. I'm now bilingual. =D
you and your languages.