Shinystuffs (Also known as: READ IT.)

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on April 13, 2007, 6:41 p.m.

So. I think I'll try to have something interesting to say today. Impossible? Bullshit. I just have to try. And, lucky for you, I just don't feel like trying, I'm that lazy. Anyways.

I like the word anyways. It's fun to totally introduce a new subject. Haha. I'm sure that there is something that happened today that's slightly interesting… Hm.

Oh right, my most recent PHP work:


URL SCHEME 2:[A_B_C_0/1*_0/1*].png

*The 0/1 accepts either 0 or 1. I suppose it can take either zero, or any nonzero number. Anyways, the first one shows the base graph, x² + x. And, the second 0/1 tells whether or not to show the values of A, B, and C in the picture. A few examples:

5x²+2x-0.5x (With base graph and original values)

<img src="[5_2_-0.5_1_1].png" width="600px" height="400px">

NOTE that the 0 in 0.5 IS needed.

rx²+rx+rx (r/R is a random value) (With values of A, B, and C, and original graph.)

<img src="[r_r_r_1_1].png" width="600px" height="400px">

So on and so forth. Anyways. I don't have much content, it would seem. Wait. Did anything interesting happen at school today? Not really. I suppose, if it counts, while walking around with a friend during lunch, I swear, I saw the most interesting thing ever. I could easily say that it's one of the biggest asses I've ever seen. Haha. Some people might find that disgusting. Well, humans get attracted to disgusting things.

And when I say big, I don't mean big in the sense of fat, blah blah blah. I mean big as in thick, round, and the like. And, get this, racists, it WASN'T a black girl. It was a preppy white girl. Haha.

By the way, racists wasn't directed towards anyone in particular, it was just a joke.

And if you caught that I posted this earlier, good for you. I mean, come on, I post it when 30 people are on, and it gets no attention? Yet, I post it when like, 6 people are on, and I get a lot more? Bullshit.


Kaz 17 years, 10 months ago

You did that in PHP? wtf

Josea 17 years, 10 months ago

Haha, your blog title made me laugh =)

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 10 months ago

Yes, Kaz, I did it in PHP. It generates a dynamic image based on parameters you pass it. I just used mod_rewrite to redirect certain urls to that, so the page would APPEAR to truly be a png image, while it's actually a php script.

And, yay, GML_Josea.