I was just curious… Does anyone here, besides the people who have told me, have an IM program, and at that, a name on it? I would rather like it if i knew so.
I was just curious… Does anyone here, besides the people who have told me, have an IM program, and at that, a name on it? I would rather like it if i knew so.
SleepnJohnnyFish on AIM
msnTaleriaKNT, on, well, everywhere. The IM client I use most often recently is Google Talk, though.
HumptyWasPushed6 AIM
razormage123 AIM
carsonms@austin.rr.com MSN[jakex at 64digits dot com] - MSN
hxxcmax - aim
al3xdot - aim
ssonian@msn.com - msn-outdated and removed-