One thing. Seriously.
"Do NOT attack their website. Do NOT flame, spam, or attack them in any way. We do not want a huge wave of immaturity and disrespect towards them."I'm sorry, but are you actually talking to the whole of 64digits? Sure, there may be some mature members, but do you even have a concept of the populace of 64digits? Obviously not. Haha.So yeah. I don't have many things to say today. The only high point of my day was the laughing I did in last period.Oh yes, I went to see the funniest movie ever.Guess.I am [cod3r]. I do work for people, yet people don't want the work. Awesome. Anyways, I'm growing bored, so I'm going to appeal to the public with an open poll as to what the next PHP project I should do is. 123GO!
Which is exactly why that actually had to be said. If our members were respectful, there would have been no problem.
Haha. I don't complain to places. And the like. But hey, I just felt like saying that.
Woot. I steer away from trouble.Stop saying "haha" at awkward times, I'm starting to think you're a bad anime villain like that blue hair'd guy from team rocket. XD
MahFreenAmeh, you grammar is shocking. In order to be considered a non-moron, you need to use good grammar.
His grammar is not that bad…
FOOL! I AM JAMES! Bendodge. I so sorry, I try harder.
And they aren't awkward times to me… SO KTHXBAI.ATTACK OF THE MONKEY MANANGT EKSNGDSK GNSD GNDFSKGNSDF KGI kan good engrish spaek.MFA is hilarious =P, and I think REx is wrong: mornong outnumber us 5 to 1.
I can feel their haunting presence…