Update on unimportance (Now with images!)

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on July 12, 2007, 2:10 a.m.

Yes. So I've decided to make my not-so-common 64digits blog entry. Blah. Anyways. Just so it can be subliminal, HERE'S SOME IMAGES.

<img src="http://mfa.firephoenixnet.com/fortuna.png">

<img src="http://mfa.firephoenixnet.com/s8d20.png">

<img src="http://mfa.firephoenixnet.com/s20d200.png">

Now, as per the unimportant updates, namely, the ones in my life… For those of you who actually believe in the whole astral projection theory that I do subscribe to… Well, let me break it down for you.

I pissed my friend off, my friend whom introduced me to it. Not so bad. However, I severely pissed him off. He was going to make an attempt to destroy my soul, and leave me as a soulless shell. Luckily, my other friend who happens to leave near him stopped him. Unimportant? Thought so.

What else is unimportant? Let's see… Valery decided that she had more feelings for an EX, of all people, that she had for me… No surprise there. Oh, yes.


CLICK THAT. NOW. It leads to a collab project between me, and my friend that I previously mentioned, the one who saved my soul. For each song, I had written the lyrics, anad my friend lined up a track and sang for them.

Just as well, I invite you to check out one of my other musical projects. It's called "PhoneTrax." Some of you MIGHT know already what it is… It's a musical project inspired by the concept of Dial-A-Songs, by They Might Be Giants, wherein users would dial up a service, and listen to songs by the band. In this case, I recorded guitar with my cell phone, and transfered it to my laptop.

The quality is lower, but if you pay attention enough, you pay enough attention. Haha. Anyways, just check it out.


Also, do note the organization system: It's split into different installments, each installment foldd containing a ZIP of the entire installment, and a folder containing each single track. Each collection is about 6 or so songs long, about 5 minutes long at most.

And now that I'm done with the unimportant stuff, I'm getting to the real body. Two quasi-essays that I wrote to pass the time.

First off:

A Drawn-Out Flame [On Human Progression]

The mental status of humanity, as a whole, or even as an individual, if it can ever be said to be such, is an interesting topic that most people tend to primarily ignore. The mental progression of existence itself seems to be slowing down, varying directly with those who do not utilize their minds.

We are far from what we originally were, long ago. We are no longer the "beasts," that we once were, or so we at least like to think. We no longer are the apes that we came from, physically, but mentally, we may as well be devolving.

We war upon each other, for reasons sometimes, but mostly because we're bored. We don't have the intuitive spirit that our ancestors had

; we figure if something is already figured out, we shouldn't go on and dissect it more.We fear many things, and because of this, we don't live life the way it should be lived.

We all believe in something, but we can never agree to talk about it properly. We can't be a communicable species because we can never properly get past arguments without slander and blasphemy. We can not allow ourselves to be a proper being because we don't even know what proper is anymore.

We can't truly define a single term, because of the relative nature of definition. What means something to once person, even if this meaning is the true meaning, may not mean the same thing to another person. We purposefully harm each other, just for fun, because we figure that other people's pain is our gain.

We damage people mentally, because that's all we know how to do. We can't take away any of our own time to listen to someone else, because no one else matters to us. We live in a time, an era of selfishness, wherein the true heroes, those that take the time to even notice these flaws in humanity, and try to correct them, are the ones that are ignored, denied, and silenced.

We are the heretics, and we are the ones put up to burn at the stake, put up to hang at the gallows, and put up to be destroyed by the hands of the non-believers at the crucifix. When I say we, I refer to myself, yes, and any one else who fits the description.

No one can even say that they are smart on their own anymore, without being labeled pompous, arrogant, and brash. By saying that you are "intelligent," people will think you're just selfish, and you want to be better than them. This is because no one wants anyone to be better than them, not even those of us who are out to change these things. WE fear people being better than us, which is why we ignore, deny, and harm these people.

People who are different are people whom we can not properly deal with. As a culture, we are all mentally xenophobic, and we can rely on no one at all to help us past our issues, because we can't even trust ourselves. We're now left in a non-changing society, slowly spiraling down towards doom. And all that will be left in the end are those who tried to make a difference, those who tried to change, but failed.

The progression of human mentality has ruined most every concept it could get its hands on. It has ruined love, to where now love is just an excuse, a word now, to substitute for sexual exchange. It has ruined life, where life used to be something special, now, it's just an excuse to scrape on by day to day, and try not to enjoy it. Everyone's depressed at one point in their life, but there are those who be depressed just because they can't think of anything better to do.

With the death of mental progression, the death of love, the death of the mind, humanity itself is slowly dying. We're just trying to come along, scrape along, until we reach our untimely death.

And there's nothing we can do.

And then,

A Precursor To Thought [On Human Thought]

What is thought? What is cognition? What is true human understanding? To truly be sentient, one must own the capability to not only think, to be cognitive, and to be understanding, but such a being must also be able to determine that they are thinking, that they are using cognition, that they are understanding.

The thought process in humans is an ill-understood process, and is not the topic of this, per se. The topic of this, more or less, is not how thought works, but more about thought itself. Thought is what allows a being to choose between right, or wrong; yes, or no; live, or not. Thought is what allows you to have feelings, because if you had nothing to perceive the signals that are sent through your body, you would have no center system to respond to the signals that seem to float off into space.

Some people claim to be mindless, claim that they may not think, or anything like that. The common problem with these accusations that people allow themselves to say over themselves, is simple. In order to be sentient, you need to think. Conversations, talking, all of this is a sign of sentience. If you can speak with someone, and the conversation can change based around what you have, you can think.

Memory plays a large role in all of this, true, but that is not the point of this topic. the point is that, without the capabilities of metathought, and metacognition, no one would be capable of thought and cognition itself.

Now, to break down the concept of thinking. Thinking is an abstract method of defining, retrieving, and storing data within a universe of data that we shall call the human mind. Given the set of rules:

Universe U is all possible attainable information;

Set S represents the human mind, and all that resides within it, and has the probability for near infinite storage of a universe.

-S is the complement of S (Such as to say, if U was {1,2,3,4,5}, and S was {1,5}, -S is {3,4,5}}

D is an abstract set of data with an arbitrary amount of spaces reserved for information to be inputted into the human mind, this process is represented by S.put(D{ARBITRARY DATA}).

d is an abstract definition of a single bit of data. d is comparable to an integer datatype.

A human with |S| information within his mind has the ability to attain a possible of |U| information. But, given the current limit of human thought, most people are unaware of a certain D in S known as metathought, and meacognition. This is represented in grammatical form as S{meta). Metathought is the process of being aware, and thinking about thinking. Simply put, metathought is the process of thought.

Now, assuming that S were to have a standard amount of storage, say, perhaps 200 spaces reseved for any form of data excluding universes (set|raw) , the space reserved for meta- would be 200, wherein meta- itself is a set describing itself, and the set that it is a part of.

Ultimately… I've digressed off the point. Back to the point, we shall return. Metathough, the process of thought about thought. Without the ability to think about the fact that you're thinking, can you be said to be truly sentient? More or less, a more important focus is metacognition, the process of being aware that you are aware. Without the simple ability of being aware that you are aware, you have forfeited your sentience, and can be said to be no better than that which composes you. Truly, the lack of cognition is the lack of humanity.

People do not truly utilize their minds to their true potential, they don't even realize the fact that they think about the fact that they're thinking all the time. This important process, metathought, is one of the fundamental processes of sentience, and therefore, one capable of being a human. If you are not sentient, simply put, you are not human.

Thought is important. We did not go over the process of thought itself, but rather, we went over thought, itself. Maybe vaguely, but the point still stands. Even if you don't know any- of what I just said, the point is that you nread it. You were never constricted by any rules to read this, but if you did, I do appreciate it.


melee-master 17 years, 7 months ago


s 17 years, 7 months ago

Ya,thought is of oddity

What are the image limits now?

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 7 months ago

Woo, the fake accounts that I accidentally made last night were deleted. Thank god. I was messing around with a script I made last night, and it kinda ended up making up extra users here!

But yeah. The limits on the image are the same as previously.