Posted by MahFreenAmeh on July 28, 2007, 12:01 p.m.

Or are they? Quite possibly so. I'm just blogging right now so I can show off my current project, forgive me for being evil. Haha.

What is it? It is the WhiteHatCommunity, a blogging community wherein people post blogs on a main page to talk about topics, hopefully related to the premise of the whitehatcommunity, as defined in the about page, and just as well, users are provided with their own userblog. Fun!

Anyways, as of yet, I have added:

-Tagging system for blogs

-Searching blogs (Based on keywords, or tags)


-A messaging system

-My captcha, with some minor improvements

And some other things. So, feel free to join, and become a part of the community. I'd love suggestions for the site, and more members, of course.

IN OTHER NEWS: Penis. That is all.


Dom 17 years, 7 months ago

sounds cool soooo you code php ay

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 7 months ago

Quite so.

Dom 17 years, 7 months ago

yeah i am gonna learn cause I'm getting into web design but i really don't where to start i got that php from a link on wiki.

so are you into hacking and all BTW I'm a white Hat.

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 7 months ago

Well, seeing as I started a community based around white hat hackers, I'd say I am into it. As a security consultant, such is my pseudonym at times, I must be able to think like the black hat hackers so that I will know how to stop them.

So you could say that I am. Haha.

Dom 17 years, 7 months ago

I see hmm the security all right on WHC um have you considered the opportunity for a SQL injection?

you probably have I'll spledunker some more though

Dom 17 years, 7 months ago

so i see you hang out at hellbound i like the challenges there but i guess i hang out at HTS more no particular reason i just do.

Jaakko 17 years, 7 months ago


MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 7 months ago

Yes, I hang out at HBH every now and then.

As per MySQL injection, any time something is sent into the database, I have it escaped. I think… Yes, I do.


Dom 17 years, 7 months ago


so where your favevourite place to hang anyways

yeah i tried spamming a message i don't think it worked.

seems alright but i would have to spend more than 10 mins it

s 17 years, 7 months ago

You are a captcha fiend