Dative heart.

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Aug. 23, 2007, 9:42 p.m.

What? Oh. Right. Blog. I've gotta pay more attention.

I'm going to start off explaining the title to my blog. Guess what? I linked linguistics to being a little emo bitch! For those of you who don't know, the dative case represents an object that is AFFECTED by a verb, but only indirectly. So, for example, given the sentence "He gives the flowers to her," the word "her" is the dative. To break it down, the sentence is basically:

[se{He[pp{gives}]}] [do{Flowers}] [io{Her}]

For those of you who don't understand, this states that "He," is the subject phrase of the sentence, gives is the predicate phrase, flowers is the direct object, and her is the indirect object. Now, to explain exactly WHAt I mean.

When you say that someone gives something to someone, the main object of the verb "to give," is the noun that explains what is being given. Therefore, in order to determine who the receiver is…

Fuck it, you're not going to read that. Attention 64digits: there aren't very many shiny things in my blogs, and most of the stuff I have to say isn't a whole spout of idiocy meaning nothing to the general public… Well, actually, it does mean nothing most of the time. To you at least.

Anyways. To recap on some ideas that were in the last blog that you fucktards missed:

I have an IRC server. Address: garii.ath.cx .

Port, 6667.

For those of you who use something that recognizes these links, irc://garii.ath.cx

MahFreenAmeh is very depressed tonight because of the same stupid reason. If you had a girl stuck in your head like he did, you'd know why.

And now, the obligatory image.

<img src="http://mfa.firephoenixnet.com/bash.png">


eagly 17 years, 6 months ago

Why did you cut off? You peaked my interest and then shattered it horribly into a million pieces before it was stolen and reforged by a dancing squirrel.

Seriously. There was a dancing squirrel outside my window.

s 17 years, 6 months ago

MFA definitely doesn't exist

RoyalSmacketh 17 years, 6 months ago

But I am also smarter than him.