Bardic Knowledge.

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Nov. 3, 2007, 9:14 p.m.

Yes. Bardic knowledge. Too bad you failed your DC 35. Anyways.

Today was worldwide DnD day. So rejoice. I went to the local comic book store (Dragon's Lair, or, as it is now, Rogue's Gallery,) and got involved in a 3 hour long campaign. Basically, this is the story:

Four adventurers (A sorceress, a paladin, a rogue [me], and a fighter) got together to go to a dungeon on a certain mountain that bore the name of two of the people, who, coincidentally, are dwarves. That fits rather well, seeing as it was a dwarven place. Anyways, we started out just exploring for a while, got in about 10 battles… And through it all, I only took 11 hit points of damage.

To explain: I was a halfling with an AC of 21. I was hard to hit.

It kinda got annoying having to do trapfinding checks in every room… But it was fun. Anyways, yeah, it was great. I got some free stuff.

Oh, yeah, for those of you who think otherwise, I still am alive, despite a few attempts at suicide in the past. It's nothing. Seriously. It's like, boom. That's exactly what it's like.

Moving on… God, I love my computer science teacher. He knows that I like to work in PERL a lot. So what does he do? He does basically a-rwx on the perl binary. I can't read it. I can't copy it to my home directory. I can't run it… So, what do I do? I use scp on my local machine to upload the perl binary onto the server, along with a few other binaries that he got rid of, such as chmod and chown.

Let's see… That's enough for now.

Wait. No. You shall now direct your browser to:

Here. If you want to know what it is, it's just some work I've done with my guitar. Not all of it is too good… For instance, the prcsv files are actually a collection of experiments involving tapping instead of strumming, and using the body of the guitar percussively… The muzky files are actually something I'm slightly proud of. They're just two modifications of a basic line I came up with… And s.wav is just a good or not so good improvised line.

Fading along to something else to take up space, I say it's time for poetry.

And I know how stupid and crappy "Complications of Death" is. It was the first time I ever tried open structure, which I don't really like… Because there IS no structure.

Complications of Death

(Is it really? No,

We have to keep living.)

I, upon my awakening,

Shed a tear of greed,

Of malice, of hatred…

It's sadness, madness,

Why should I live?

Better yet, why, why,

Why should I die?

The answer was in the next tear,

Or, I think it was;

Should I let life really get me down?


But what do you do?

What do you do when the pain,

Centers around something else?

Tearing yourself to pieces,

Breaking yourself down,

Crying because of a poor self-image…

Why should I live?

The possibility, of love.

Gefangener zur Anklagen

23. Uhr (Schläg weiter)

24. Uhr (Herz meiner)

Tik, tok, tik, tok

Ein- Zwei- Dreimal getötet,

Höher, zweimal höher, heb mich hoch,

Ich kann noch leben.

01. Uhr (Mein Reiter?)

02. Uhr (Mein Begleiter?)

In Name Gottes,

Hab' ich nichts schlecht gemacht,

Die Gefühlen, um zu fühlen,

Wurde von Leute ,,Falsch und Wahr'' angeklagt,

Was bin ich zu tun?

Niemals zuvor, solch hatte ich gedacht!

Erlösen von Leben, das schwer ist.

03. Uhr (Leicht, doch schwer)

04. Uhr (Wenig, doch sehr!)

Accusations / Hey look…

Hey look, it's that kid,

What's his name again?

It doesn't matter, he's no one,

(Not to mention, he's probably dumb as sin)

Let us, at his expense, have fun,

It's not like it matters.

Hey look, it's that kid,

He attempted suicide last night,

They say it's because of people like us,

He'll be alright,

He shouldn't keep his emotions hid…

(Not like we'd listen to his stupid fuss)

Hey look, that kid is gone,

I wonder where he went…

Could he? No, that's just wrong.

Hey look, it's that kid,

Laid on satin, an open coffin decorated,

Gashed in his arm, tears in his neck,

Soul and body seperated,

I feel guilty in retrospect…

(What a stupid kid.)

Verloren / Verboten

Bin jetzt müde

(Bin jetzt krank)

Mit geschnitten Flügel

(Hilflos; fallen in den Grund)

Klein und rein, kein Seele dein;

(Dafür lebt ihr noch)

Sich zu zerstören erbaut

(Verbrechender Haut)

Sich schneiden, Horizont zu reiten

(Tod kommt)

Ankunft der Zukunft


Zeitzug, 07. Uhr,

Bild, der falsch ist,

Weinst du?

Scheinst du?

… Was meinst du?

Nimm mir die Gefühlen,

Gedanklos, Herzlos,

Lebenlos, alles durch die Jahre,

Ein- Zehn- Hundert- Tausend!

Liebenlos, Glücklos,

Doch fröh.

Haben wir solch ein Vorsicht,

Die Zukunft zu sehen?

Nein; Warum sollen wir?

Es scheint wie Tod,

Macht's mir nicht aus.

Letzte Wörter:

Was haben wir getan?


Pflicht der Wahrheit,

Krieg der Welten,

Folgender von Ewigkeit,

Solch ist nie mehr selten,

Von einandere Zeiten,

Verbrechendes Lieben,

Verlorener Lied,

Zerstörung zu heiraten.

Folter gebraucht,

Qual des Nachts;

Schlacht, Tod,

Einheit ist gekommen,

Die hier zu steh'n ist.

Hass, kommendes Dunkelheit,

Nichts zu seh'n,

Folterqual durch Einsamkeit,

Wann sollen wir geh'n?


Zeig mir meine Sünden,

Ans folgenden Wind,

Quäler, Quäler, Quäler,

Was bist du mit mir zu tun?

Macht's mir nicht aus,

So geht's dir schlecht,

Seelen, Körper raus,

Seiten links und Seiten recht.

Denkmal der Zukunft,


Sich nicht erinnern kann,


Bei dir nichts ist,

Die nicht rein sind,

So mich du isst,

Denn ich darin bin.

Dreary Waters

Some deep waters,

Man was never meant to cross,

They slowly build their bridges,

Towards their ultimate loss;

Some deep waters,

Into them a man a stone could toss,

While their hearts turn on invisible hinges,

And forever never touch the bottom moss;

Some deep waters,

Slowly turning a man's heart to frost,

Torn apart by their inner urges,

Waiting to pay the ultimate cost;

And moreso some deep waters,

Man should attempt to cross,

Ignoring all the dirges,

With their eyes glittering like gloss;

Falscher Bild

Ein bißchen frieden,

Kein wilden Liebe,

Da stand sie denn,

Und so sagt der Schlid: "Oben siehe!";

Ich soll immer mehr nichts sein,

Als ob ich ein Mensch wär',

Hier steh' ich jetzt so allein,

Jetzt und doch immer mehr.

Nummern, Wörter, alles sind mir egal,

Ich kann dich allein sehen,

Fleisch wie Fleisch, nein Fleisch wie Stahl,

Kalt, hart, und immer noch zurück-zergehen,

Immer noch nicht mehr kann ich beklagen,

Weil ich nicht so sehen kann,

Jetzt bin ich krank zum Magen,

Ich bin nicht mehr noch dein Mann.

Ich kann nicht diese glauben,

Ich war einmal ein sehr wichtig Mann,

Jetzt, jetzt kann man nicht erlauben,

Dass ich leben kann.

Keine Kleinen Witze

Für dich wein' ich, ohne dich bin ich so verloren,

Aber ist es mir egal,

Deine LIebe ist noch verboten,

Ausgesetzt bin ich überall,

Noch lieb' ich dich sehr,

Doch soll ich es kontrollieren,

Meine verlorenen Gefühlen immer mehr,

Ich kann nicht mich reparieren…

Die Räder meines Lebens sind platt,

Nein, immer "Nein!" soll ich sagen,

Weil ich deine liebe hatte,

Ich kann mich nicht mehr beklagen.


JoshDreamland 17 years, 3 months ago


I hate your CompSci teacher.

<3 your guitar.

The rest of the blog makes no sense to me, but I missed you. :3

s 17 years, 3 months ago

4people showed up?Shocking,and I'd thought you'd get to sit alone in a room

And silly you and the forgetting of http://

DesertFox 17 years, 3 months ago



I spent most of the day playing Arcanum interestingly enough.

flashback 17 years, 3 months ago


MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 3 months ago


omicron1 17 years, 3 months ago

Familiar with Order of the Stick, perchance?

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 3 months ago

I'd say no.

omicron1 17 years, 3 months ago

Become so. If you've played D&D, chances are you'll find it hilarious.

Malaika 17 years, 3 months ago

Meow… Hi. Yay for D&D day! Unfortunately all of my 'regular' group are spread out over 50,000 sqr km of Australia, so its rather hard to organise a game :P I do have another group, but they don't take the game as seriously as the regs. Mew…

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 3 months ago

Meow indeed. Hi, other thigns. Interesting there… Try getting a D&D group closer? Haha.