
Posted by MahFreenAmeh on April 19, 2006, 6:22 p.m.

Well, i'm tired as hell. I keep falling asleep, and it's starting to annoy me. I swear, i feel awake, but as it turns out, i was asleep all the time. Nonetheless, yeah… I can probably think of some stuff to say. First off, i know this is directed to a member in particular, but i have to say it: Korberos, if you don't want to sound like me, then don't. But you deleting those posts, because they were irrelavent, would be like me deleting your old posts from my old blogs because they WEREN'T insulting. To me, those old comments were always insulting, and it made sense to delete them. I can't exactly see how they were irrelavent, and why you didn't delete the first one i left. That's the most irrelavent post on there, yet you still left it. A bit hypocritical, eh?

Anyways, on a lighter note.. I'm not sure. I'm tired, and awaka, and tired, and awake… CAn't make up my mind. I curse going to school… A lot of the people there tend to annoy me. It gets on my nerves, obviously, and i see why the columbine tragedy could have occured. It's funny, people always ask me if i would ever do a columbine shooting. And you know why? It's because i listen to a lot of heavy metal. That's the main reason. And i look at them. They may think i'm angry all the time, but i only get angry at them when they ask stupid questions like that. I mean, if you're going to base me off of what i listen to, then i could probably say that you're going to go shoot up a neighborhood, and get thrown in jail, and buttfucked the next day. So sod off, why don't you?

That's it for now, my arms are tired, and so am i.. I might update later. Rawr.


Alpha Man 18 years, 10 months ago

I hate people. Why do not they learn how to be good little humans?

Josea 18 years, 10 months ago

Go Sleep.

I still CAN'T understand why there's people who can keep on the PC even when they are in urgent need to sleeping.

I know people who stay until 1:00 am on the PC. WTF

That's simply unhelathy, also, when you need to sleep you don't think very well, if preferably to sleep and code later.

This comment is not 99% related to your blog.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

I wasn't SUPER-TIRED. I was just a little worn out. I'm better now If i had gone to sleep, i would have been up till Five AM. And i am usually on the PC until past 1. I wasn't in urgent need of sleep, just a rest. And i got it. Heh. What does Code relate to my whole thing? That's the 1% that doesn't really fit in.

Fender 18 years, 10 months ago

Melee will probably have something to stay about staying up past one on the computer when he sees this blog.

Radnom_Games 18 years, 10 months ago

For the last three nights, how about 3:00 AM?

I haven't had school so it's not too bad. I like staying up.

Tasm 18 years, 10 months ago

The past three nights I've been up to 12:00 am… and had school the next day. It didn't help that we watched a boring as hell movie in english. Movies always put me to sleep.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 10 months ago

hahah omfg I can't believe you get so affected by the things I say and do.

I fucking love it.

marbs 18 years, 10 months ago

I went through a stage of going to be past 12pm. I'm now down to 11pm.

melee-master 18 years, 10 months ago


I know people who stay until 1:00 am on the PC. WTF

That's simply unhelathy, also, when you need to sleep you don't think very well, if preferably to sleep and code later.

Err…. Then what would you consider me staying on it until 6:30am and later?

V 18 years, 10 months ago

lol, i once went through two days with no sleep going on a guild wars binge. lol. LOL. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!101