An Open Letter

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Jan. 29, 2008, 11:11 p.m.

Obviously. No clue why you're reading this. There's no form of interesting content to be found. Just line after line..

after line…

after line…

after line…

after line…

Of non-stop filler just to make it seem like I have something to say. Lines of non-stop filler just to bullshit yobur mind into thinking that I have something to toss out into the fray. Line after line of rhythmless beats, line after line of syncopated heat, line after line of nothing but shit, line after line, it's all legit.

Line after line of pointless ASCII data, messing with your graphics card and video adapter, line after line of meaningless junk, and all you want to know is when it will stop…

Line after line of MahFreenAmeh's rambling, and time after time, nothing to be found, nothing to be heard, nothing safe, nothing sond, just chaos; the absurd.

And you just want it all to stop, you just want his nonsense to end.

You can't help but read it,

No matter what you do,

"If only I were illiterate,

Then I could dodge this literary zoo."

"If only I actually had some sense, and would read someone else's blog… If only I took the time to find something more amusing, something more appropriate, something more tasteful, something with content, something not so discontent, why can't he just get the hint?"

Why can't I just write something useful? Why can't I just contribute?

You can't fix something like 64digits; it's impossible to fix what was made broken, but this is my gratitude's token:

Thanks for whatever.



MahFreenAmeh 17 years ago

You're all retarded.

MahFreenAmeh 17 years ago



JoshDreamland 17 years ago

Well at least I don't cut off dog tails and stick them up my ass like SOMEONE.

MahFreenAmeh 17 years ago

I'm going to lose my mind.

s 17 years ago

@Josh=How dare you speak of me at such a time

MahFreenAmeh 17 years ago
