Schizophrenia, a motive.

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 19, 2008, 4:54 p.m.

Hello, I'm a gun, and I'll direct your hatred,

Hello, I'm a bullet, I'll appropriate your revenge,

Hello, I'm the one, I'll make you feel sedated,

Hello, I'm God, and I took you off the hinge;

I am your master now, and I will control,

I will eradicate, eliminate, annihilate,

In your heart, your soul, there is a hole,

And with my love it might disapparate,

But to earn my love, you must destroy;

To earn my favour, you must be coy;

To feel the splendor of my hallowed grave,

Let these bullets tear apart their reality,

To understand how to truly behave,

You must only look to see…

I am your lord, your almighty, your king,

And I command you, condemn!

They never gave any praise, such to sing,

So they deserve nothing, it's their sin.

Just kill, kill, kill, with no regard to life,

Destroy, destruct, and then salvation.

This world is so full of pain and strife,

I was the one who gave you animation;

I was the one who brought you to life,

And as such, I request that you do this,

Else I end your life with the edge of a knife,

Unless you kill, kill, kill, may your bullets never miss.

And now that your job is done,

Enter now my hallowed place,

In one hand, blood, the other, gun,

A bullet prepped to fly through a face,

In the crowd, you lay yourself to rest,

And allow yourself to see your lord,

In rank with the worst and the best,

Your soul is now mine to hoarde.


Ronnica 17 years ago

*totally mezmerized*

JoshDreamland 17 years ago

That was… That it was.

Nice poem, Gareh.