Posted by MahFreenAmeh on May 17, 2008, 1:01 a.m.

You're not an internet superhero, an interbutts tough guy unless you follow the fads. Anyways, starting out.

Under the Kilt - Dr. MacDoo

You're just not a man if you don't like this song, I'm telling you, that's just how things are in this world.

Green Grass and High Tides - The Outlaws

Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Two entirely great rockabilly songs (I left out other bands that are heavily deserving of notice, such as Molly Hatchett, because I'm too lazy.)

The Spirit Of Radio - Rush

When it comes to progressive music, you just can't top Rush no matter who you are. Geddy Lee dominates this genre almost entirely.

Have You Ever Seen The Rain? - Creedence Clearwater Revival

It's pretty hard to get better than a classic band like CCR, and their old-school protest rock. Gotta love the song, you know?

Revolution Number Nine - The Beatles

Experimental music would be nothing today if it weren't for classic songs like this. Not only is it by a band that is typically labeled as quite good, but the content is interesting to listen to if listened to for long enough.

Trailer Trash - Modest Mouse

No song has ever before properly captured the idea of white trash life and made it seem so powerful, so far as I know.

"Eating snow flakes with plastic forks,

And the paper plates, of course,

You think kof everything."

LOL MONEY - ytcracker

i don't care if you don't like rap. This song is just great. LOL MONEY, MONEY LOL.

Ganon Slayer - MadHatter

pipe Dreams - MadHatter

It's hard to deny the nerdcore community! Anyways. Who cares?

The Days of Swine and Roses - My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult

I'm not too sure as to why I like this song, but it used to be one of my favourite songs, and it still is. I suppose I get easily into industrial music. That is, good Industrial music. SO gtfo reznor.

Megalomaniac - KMFDM

Die Wünder dieser Welt, wir hatten dir geschenkt.

The first song I ever heard by this band and still my favourite song by them to this day. If you've never actually gotten into industrial, KMFDM is a good intro into it. They actually know what they're doing!


If you're a bit jumpy, I recommend fading out for the first part of a song. It starts out with a melodic section being played on the banjo, and moves forward to the actual song itself. It's amazing, but I'm just letting you know ahead of time.

Bombs over Bagdhad - Outkast with Rage Against The Machine

Hurrah! I wanna hurt somebody!

Hurrah! I wanna kill somebody!

The only thing that would have made this song better would be Zapata singing along.

Anyways. On from individual songs, I feel as though it's time to move on to specific artists, musicians, and what not. So let's start it.

I. Buckethead

This is a total no-brainer. Anyone who has known me for longer than a day, or has ever asked me who my favourite musician is, would have gotten this as their idea of who my actual favourite musician is. Buckethead is absolutely amazing, and never lacking in ability, especially when he gets to playing songs such as Binge and Grab (that one is old though, what with the Deli Creeps,) Wishing Well, or even Hills of Eternity

His prowess on the guitar, at least in my opinion, is matched by no other.

His best album, in my opinion, is a tie between Giant Robot, and Population Override.

Actually that's enough. I don't need to talk about anyone else. Buckethead is awesome enough


s 16 years, 9 months ago

Screw favorite songs and artist. What's your favorite note?

SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

I have "Number 9" in my head, thank you very much.

firestormx 16 years, 9 months ago

Bombs over Baghdad is the only Outkast song I like, and when I heard it over RATM, I was so happy. Same with How I Could Just Kill a Man.

MahFreenAmeh 16 years, 9 months ago

Serprex: My favourite note is probably… I don't know, D3-flat?