As the dust crawled across the floor
and onto the furniture around him,he looked more like a musician thanever before, the rigor mortis gripping him, stiffening his bodyinto a catatonic plank, a walkwayfor the air around him to ramp off of;He looked more like a human, thana savage, at peace in his own home,as the dust gathered around him, as the police forced his door ina mere six months after the onsetof his healing, of his curingof the ultimate disease.As they carried him out, I could swearthat he winked at me, as a pieceof dust landed on my jacket and Iwalked on to work that day.—————So the news came the other day, it would seem that my brother may potentially have lung cancer. I figured this day may come eventually, because he used to smoke a lot. It's true, it saddens me, but I can not help feel as though… I am upset in him. He very well knew it could happen, and yet he continued to smoke back when he did. Well, that's what happens in life. Some people… they hurt themselve intentionally, be it to cope, be it because it give them attention, be it because it gives them a meaning.My neglect is obvious, my neglect for many things. I've lost the interest in a lot of things, yet gained interest in many more. I can not be consistent, and yet, I can; as an opportunist, as a human, I continue to function.I've just been reading lately, I've just been writing lately. My music has been slow, my everything has been slow, but it has been. Life is great, I guess.Only real thing of interest was that I graduated from high school.Go me.
You write like me. Maybe I write like you.
I write like no person, and yet it seems that I write like many of them. I don't LIKE particularly when people introduce paradoxes into my life; as wonderful as they are, they… they are what they are. I almost did not graduate, so, I feel good about it.Sorry to hear about your brother. It's odd, Dylan came down with thyroid cancer… I know a lot of people with cancer now a days…
Why did you almost not graduate?Josh: Life, the universe, and everything beyond it.
cheer up you're cooler than most people on the net
You return! :O
Sorry to hear about your brother though :(