contaminated waters (fluorine is good for you)

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Sept. 30, 2009, 2:17 p.m.

sometimes i get tired of being on the internet. the funny thing is, i am never quite sure why i am tired of it. there always seems to be something to do on it, someone to talk to, etc., and yet, i still find myself tiring of it. perhaps it has to do with the fact that it is UTTERLY ANNOYING.

i am willing to bet that if you observe content posted on the internet long enough, patterns start to emerge. people bring original content to the table, then everyone else steals it and makes it their own. it's sort of beautiful in its own way, the thievery and such that the internet has promoted.

and the piracy, i mean, honestly. you want something? then the idea is go find it, don't wait until a time where you can legally afford it. isn't it beautiful? i utterly love sailing the seas of the hijacked HMS Internet. always something to be found when you look hard enough, we have the looking glasses for a reason.

i drank some apple juice earlier that was evidently 100% natural, i believe it was personally the best thing that i ever tasted in my life, but eh, that's just an opinion. and opinions are not really called for in a place where opinions are not really called for.

i can offer my services to you

but will they come cheap?


what services


V 15 years, 4 months ago

Nice to see you again, man. And I agree with the above statement.

JoshDreamland 15 years, 4 months ago

That sounded exceedingly serpish, what with the redundancy in the redundant parts, and the lack of capitalization in the everywhere.

[deleted user] 15 years, 4 months ago

the internet is a shallow experience

you could always go one layer deeper but its just the same thing, different skin

Leyenda 15 years, 4 months ago

i believe it was personally the best thing that i ever tasted in my life, but eh, that's just an opinion.
No, you can state that as FACT. Because how the hell we know what tastes best to you?

You wanna drink natural apple juice (with worms parts)… that your business. Ill take mine with good dose of yellow food coloring composed of triterpenoid mogrosides and ethylene terephthalate.


MahFreenAmeh 15 years, 4 months ago

@Leyenda i can state it as a fact but that doesn't make it one

however my statement that it is an opinion is just a validation of reality, mate.

besides, worms are a good source of protein

Leyenda 15 years, 4 months ago

When you say "this juice tastes best", that is opinion about what everyone may or may not think.

But when you say "this juice tastes best TO ME", that is a FACT about YOUR taste. nobody can dispute it.

But its a minor point… you worm-eater ;-)

MahFreenAmeh 15 years, 4 months ago

even if it tastes good to me, that may be factual, but it is merely an opinion stated in a factual guise. i can say it tastes good to me all i want, but due to the context of the statement, it is parsed as an opinion, not as a statement of fact.

i merely represented an opinion in a factual guise !

[deleted user] 15 years, 4 months ago

who is to say one says what they mean?

often people don't say what they mean, even about trivial things (especially about trivial things), a form of low-level, mostly harmless (except for character) white lie thing that we've got going on

[deleted user] 15 years, 4 months ago

and adding stupid clauses like "TO ME" or "IN MY OPINION" is the pussy way out anyway

Apple Juice is the Best Juice Ever. (fact)

Leyenda 15 years, 4 months ago

Don't interrupt when adults discussing critical matters like grammar.

And those arent "clauses". They're prepositional phrases ;-)