"for your presence, a pittance!"

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Oct. 12, 2009, 12:03 a.m.

i disturb myself sometimes, with the thoughts i have. i mean, i suppose it's just the typical human misanthropy that we all shelter inside of us, but that doesn't change the fact that i still disturb myself sometimes. for instance earlier today, on a long introspective walk, i noticed a motorcyclist drive by me, and i wondered what exactly would happen if i dropped out an obstacle in front of his motorcycle.

and if he took a spill.

and if i watched.

and if it held up traffic.

and if the cops came.

and if i would get pizza. i highly doubt i would have gotten pizza from that specific event, but there's never a wrong time for cannibalism anyways.

just because those people in papua got some kuru from it doesn't mean it'll happen here, it's like calling the bluff of a fifty year old poker veteran. you feel really good about it, you know?

in any case, it stands to reason that i, of course, did not attempt to interrupt the pathway of the motorcyclist, for that would very much interrupt my ambulatory pathway that i so decided to be determined to take. but then again, i could have.well, i really couldn't have unless i threw my body out in front of it and tire marks are not an attractive body modification.

nor is rigor mortis.

so the best thing about this blog entry is the musing that you are experiencing right now. for your presence, a pittance!

a tuppence?


no form of monarchy embodied as currency (that was interesting, i mistyped embodied as emodied. hm) will ever make sense. i think i would rather it than the fascist euro though.

hello friedrich gauss.


Cesque 15 years, 4 months ago

You're not getting kuru from eating people, you're getting kuru from eating people with kuru :P

Also, it's not that disturbing. When a motorcycle or a car drives fast and furiously past me, I usually hope they crash into something on the next turn. Oh well, or maybe that means we're both having disturbing ideas.

MahFreenAmeh 15 years, 4 months ago

@cesque if that's true then that necessitates a patient zero innit

MahFreenAmeh 15 years, 4 months ago

@cesque also, it is more like you are saying it is acceptable because we both experience it but that is sort of a localize example. i am not so much determined on being acceptable or not, just a curiousity that expresses itself in such a way. perhaps it is perhaps it isn't. all i know is that steak tastes better when i take my steak tastes better pill.

Leyenda 15 years, 4 months ago

Note to self: don't drive my motorcycle past MahFreenAmeh when he's hungry for pizza.

MahFreenAmeh 15 years, 4 months ago

@leyenda really any time i'm hungry for anything. not just pizza.