845: The Beat

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on May 8, 2006, 8:02 a.m.

Ok. that is annoyin g. I just checked my blog, again, because i was bored, and saw what korberos said. Look, did you ever think that i didn't know her number? I'm just kinda stupid like that. I don't know a lot of people's numbers. I'm not one to use the phone. I only use it to really talk to family. Did you ever consider that? Try not throwing out all possible happenstances before telling me that, Ok? It might do you a bit of justice in the world… In the words of Alpha-Man, "Kthxbai". Ha.

Well, seeing as it is 8:50 AM, i can't think of much more to say, but, rest assured, i will edit this, and fix that later… I just don't feel well, as i didn't get quite enough sleep…

<IMG SRC="http://64digits.com/users/MahFreenAmeh/Rawrpngd.png">

Toldyaupdated with a picture. So Pwn. Or something like that.

Enjoy. Happy good good Umbrella Juice Rawr! Heh. I wed thee.


flashback 18 years, 9 months ago

Alpha Man did not make kthxbai. Gamercat was the first I saw who did it, and I don't know where he got it.


firestormx 18 years, 9 months ago

kthxbai is part of the "1337 mentality", or whatever you wanna call it.

If you say pwned, you probably say kthxbai.

Although, I don't say that, 'cause if you say bai, you say hai, and hai is Japanese, and it just pisses me off that people don't know that.

Plus bai and hai make the person sound retarded, and I want to smack them.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 9 months ago

Eh, i knew about Hai.. It's just, i just do n't say Kthxbai, or any of that… You know how it is.

Do say pwned, though. A lot. Nonethelesss… Yeah, no Kthxbai for me. I just had to say that, and, i have only heard Alpha say it. Nie?

JW 18 years, 9 months ago

kthxbai = invented by Beanjo, just like everything else he invented.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 9 months ago

Heh, you couldn't possibly find out her number, or perhaps (omfg this is going to sound crazy, but…) TALK TO HER IN PERSON!???

OMG, without the internet to protect you, how could you POSSIBLY tell her? You're so right, MFA…. I take it all back. Keep admiring from afar and being emo about it and Im sure she'll come running to you.