i've felt like it's high time that i come back and post something here on this website. but i'm not sure exactly what it was that i was thinking of posting. so instead, i'm just going to say: i think i'm going to return to actively posting on 64digits again. except not as actively as i used to post. because, you know, i posted actively. or something. i don't know.
in other news: memories are just where you linger, evidently. thank you for clarifying that for me, fuel.
Oh hey! Many people seem to be coming back around this time for whatever reason. Plus theres a wave of newcomers for the summer RPG project, which is nice.
wbHoly shit, it's MFA.
:D Welcome back, bruddah. Welcome back.
Time for more pleasing, philosophical, pondering prose
with no capital letters, ever.capital letters are for people who use capital letters. which is not me. ever.
I just did a double take.
Now we REALLY need Serprex. And then everything will be great. :')i need to go buy minecraft or whatever so i can play online or whatever.