Guess What?

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on May 29, 2006, 8:20 p.m.

I'm back, everyone. My computer is fixed. Everyone, rejoice, for i am… back, i dunno. Anyways.

Anyone here heard of DarkBASIC? It's a very interesting 3D Design Suite, that sells for about 40 bucks, for the basic site, and 100 bucks for the professional suite. I'm considering buying it, if i get the money…

Let's see. Ah. I need to download a C++ compiler, in a while.

So, tell me people, did you miss me? Ha.

Guess what? No picture of the day yet… instead, some random Midi file i made….

<div><embed autostart="false" src=""></div>


And, just because i can… THE LOG OF THE RP I WAS IN THAT ENDED a few moments ago..

NOTE: XiAmbientChaosiX = Me, Anime Penquin 14 = My Friend Angel.


Anime Penguin 14: *A bored woman is seen sitting in the hot sun, her messy black hair hanging loosly around her shoulders. She is wearing a simple dress with patches randomly placed around the sleeves and neck. Looking up, she sighs. "I'm going to have to find a productive activity." she groans, flopping onto her back staring into the sun*

Anime Penguin 14: (( Wow, I am sucking! Glad this is going to refresh meh))

XiAmbientChaosiX: -Walking through the street's, he is but a peasant to most. And such a phrase, couldn't describe him better. His ragged hair, of color undescribable, and of an actual style other than the raggedy style, indescernable, there was a young man. The term man was used loosely around the village, though. Around the age of 16, many teenagers would have themselves tested against their will, to enter manhood. It usually took the form of a Boar hunt, the spoils fed to the entire village, in celebration for the child's manhood. Such events were not commonplace; they were held once a year, as to conserve the amount of boar used. The boy himself was about 5 feet, and 6 inches tall. He felt rather short compared to most people, but he didn't mind. He had the ragged remains of a robe found out on the streets on. On his face, two clear pools of blue let themselves be shown, comparable to the grandest lakes, to the heavenly sky above. His face was littered with marks from beatings by the local street-gangs, as he believe in non-violence, most times. He was walking down the street, smiling, and talking to those who would stop to talk to him-

XiAmbientChaosiX: (Normally… I wuld have had that take about two or three posts… I must be getting rusty.)

Anime Penguin 14: *Blinking her bright green eyes, she notices a kind man walking the streets. Curious, she stands from her lounging spot for a better look and dusts off her dirty dress. "Well, I think I found my activity!" she giggles as she walks cautiously towards him. "He does look interesting." She smiles to herself.*

XiAmbientChaosiX: -Noticing the woman, dare he call her that, that noticed him, he smiled to her, and waved a friendly wave. He laughed a bit, noticing the expression of having nothing to do in her eyes… Her eyes. He ten swore to god. They were so beautiful… They were such as the eye's of a Foreseer. They were Beautiful… there was no possible comparison for them, beyond the possibility of the comparison of a foreseer, of a prophet to the Almighty. He walked his way towards her, thinking about those… eyes…. And suddenly, he snapped back into reality, noticing he was about 5 paces from her, give or take a few.- "Good afternoon, Madam. How are you today? I know this may sound odd… But you have possibly the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen. Has anyone ever told you that?" -he said, motioning to grab her hand, and kiss it, as a greeting of not only friendship, but of respect-

Anime Penguin 14: *Startled at his words, she grinned down at him* No, not to my memory has anyone said that to me. You would be the first. *Taking her hand back she steps back and sighs, glancing at the sun and glaring.* It is unbelievably hot! …Arn't you kind of short?

XiAmbientChaosiX: "I suppose so. I don't look at it as a positive, or a negative. How i am, is how i am. You can't stop that. It's hardly hot, at least to me… Then again, i am wearing the ragged remains of some holy robes discarded on the side of the street… This cloth is unbelievably light. All i know is, it belonged to a sect of a religion that was not a sect of christianity… They often dropped during the day, and faced east, i believe, to pray towards a holy city. I spoke with a member of the faith. He told me that the religion was expected to migrate to such place at least once in their life. I believe he called it… I'm not too sure. Perhaps Islam, i believe. Yes, that was it. He said it was an act forbidden by the great conquerors, those who spread christianity by ways of death, torture, and mental games. He told me that they once received a visit from the holy Knights Templar, condemning them for such acts. You are aware of what the Knights Templar are, correct?"

Anime Penguin 14: *A blank look crosses her face* Uhm… *"What is this guy talking about, I wonder…"*

XiAmbientChaosiX: "I can tell by your expression that you are unaware of the Holy Knights Templar. They are a sacred order of the Christian church, dedicated to purging the land of evil, among other things. It is rumoured that they guard a treasure, more dangerous than any other on earth, only so, because, if taken away, or if found, it has the possibility to take control of power from the churches. It's said that such a treasure is guarded underground, by warriors sent by god himself, warriors armed in celestial robings, with weapons that shoot singing fire projectiles, and clubs that render a person stupefyed on contact. Such tales take up great times of my studies. To sleep, perchance to dream…. Aye. Do you understand?"

Anime Penguin 14: "So, in other words you are obbsessed!" *She laughed at this* Well, in any case, this does sound highly interesting. Does this treasure really exsist? Because I like treasure! *Her eyes glittered at this thought* "I may be clueless, but I know a little about valuables.".

XiAmbientChaosiX: "I don't believe it's a treasure worth earthly value. From my studies, i have concluded that it is, in fact, the secret to the power of the holy Lord himself. That may be a powerful treasure, yes, but if such celstial guardians exist, it would surely be suicide to attempt to take it… I suppose, you could call me obsessed. Or, you could call me a scholar. Many people at the local Press study up on such literature. You just need to pay attention."

Anime Penguin 14: "I have made this past 15 years just fine not paying attention" *shes says matter of factly* "Matters on religion and pilgrimages don't really interest me. That is why I am not a scholar, and you are! Eh… My name is Gem by the way."

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Interesting name. Hello, Gem. You may call me, Aster. It's not a common name, i'm well aware, but, the name itself has royalty. Nonetheless, it is nice to meet you."

Anime Penguin 14: "Royalty?"

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Royalty. You know. Kings. Czars. Rulers, and the like."

Anime Penguin 14: "Well, duuh, I know that. Are you from a royal decent?" *Stupid question, she thought to herself. He's low class like me.*

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Of course, i'm not. Can't you see these rags that i have upon my body?"

Anime Penguin 14: "It was worth a shot. I'm dieing to go out in the world and make something of my talents. I was just hoping you were. So, you know… I could tag along. I'm bored of this life, you could say.."

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Eh, it would be wise to say, that everyone is tired of this life…"

Anime Penguin 14: "Can we get out of this heat please?" *Sweat begins to trickle down her face.* "Just a little shade would be nice, and you could tell me more about what you are studying."

XiAmbientChaosiX: "I have no clue what heat you are speaking of, but yes, i will find a shadier place." -he looked around, examining the environment. He spotted a true. He began to walk to it, gesturing for her to come along with him-

Anime Penguin 14: "You must be crazy. Either that or I'm going crazy about the heat." *She exhales a long breathe and follows him.* "This may be an odd question… But, I was thinking of finding a fortune teller somewhere… Like a gypsy. And I wanted to know if you knew of one?"

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Well, i suppose so. Just down the road, is an old building. From the outside, it appears to be desolate, and abandoned, but it really is a gypsy caravan. There is always at least one enchanter there, and one fortune teller. The building has a sign on it that says, "Avast". It used to be a weaponry shop, until the owner was convicted of murder by his own creation, and sentenced to a burning at the stake. If you do go there, tell them that i sent you. They should have a small price reduction prepared for you."

Anime Penguin 14: "A scholar that befriended the gypsys. You are very interesting. I'll stop by tonight. I like gypsys. Very free spirited. I've always wanted to live like that. *she pauses and looks at the sky* "That's odd. Just a second ago I was sweating. Looks like rain." *She looks at him again* "Aster, do you believe in fate?"

XiAmbientChaosiX: "I believe that, what comes, comes, so yes."

Anime Penguin 14: "I think I'll go see the gypsys now, actually. I have a feeling, but I don't know what it is." * She pauses again and stares at him * "Your scars make you handsome". *She turns to the direction of 'Avast'.* " Do you want to come?"

XiAmbientChaosiX: "I suppose so. Thanks for the compliment." -he cast aside the top of the robe, for it was pretty much torn completely already, leaving him with just the bottom half of the robe. His upper exterior was exposed. It was unlike that of a pacifist. It was somewhat well-built, but not like that of a warrior. He had a strange marking across his chest, that resembled two crossing lines, each falling in on a circle, with aural lines pulsating from said circle, and a small design drawn in the central area of the circle-




DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

He's back! (Who are you again? j/k) :)

Rez 18 years, 9 months ago


MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 9 months ago

Yay, REZ missed me!


Anyways, let me finish downloading PS, and i can get to the Picture of the day.

Fender 18 years, 9 months ago

Welcome back finally lol.

melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago

I guess I didn't really, err, "miss" you since I talked to you from your cell phone anyways. But I'm happy to hear your computer is fixed. [=D]

DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

Hey, what did you use to make the midi? I'm interested in adding midi-sequencing to my cache of skills.

poultry 18 years, 9 months ago


MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 9 months ago

I used.. what was it called..

Guitar Pro 5. It's pretty damn usefull.