Spot The Psycho!

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on May 31, 2006, 1:35 p.m.

WEll WEll Well. That song is funny. Spot The Psycho, by Buckethead… Or.. Yeah. Well. I started work on another midi Sequence.. probably won't be as good.


Does anyone here use Fruity Loops? I can't seem to export midi's with it. It just gives me a blank sound file.

Ah, yes. Now for Day 2 of the RP… -digs out his log-


—————————————————————————————————————Day 2 (Pt II) ——————————————————————

Anime Penguin 14: *Gem looked at Aster curiously* Uhm, before we go… What's that marking from?

XiAmbientChaosiX: "The marking… It's the Warrior's Marking of my family. I pleaded to them not to get it, as i practice pacifism… But they said no. Such a marking is a blesssing from the heavens. So, in order to comply with their wishes…. and silence them, i went through with it. It's said such a marking enables uninhibited power in warriors. I think it's a whole bunch of nonsense, but then again, there have been times where i feel as though i have been rejuvenated, times where i have felt myself moving faster, times where i have noticed i could lift heavier objects. It's awkward. It may be true, it may not be true. Such a marking's abilities, if they exist, will allow themselves to be found in time…"

Anime Penguin 14: *Listening to Aster's story, Gems eyes begin to glow very softly a brighter green.* That is very mysterious, indeed! Family traditions go unoticed for some of us… *She turned away and began walking towards "Avast"*

XiAmbientChaosiX: "I suppose so." -He simply said that, and nothing more. He took off on foot after her, as well, to the place that he had identified as "Avast"-

Anime Penguin 14: *Stopping outside of "Avast" she turned towards Aster once again* Aster, sorry for all of these weird questions but I do have one more. *Rubbing her feet in the dirt she looks up slightly* Do you know about the Pagans?

XiAmbientChaosiX: "I suppose i do. You speak of the people that the Great Inquisition is trying to destroy, no? The people who worship spirits of nature, the people who are portrayed often as performing satanistic rituals, those people?"

Anime Penguin 14: "Yes well, if you want to put it that way. Well, since we're talking about family… My mother was apart of this religion. She wasn't my real mother of course, she threw me to the wolves. There was a coven that found me and as far as I know, branded me with this… *Gem pulled up the hem of her dress up to expose her thigh. There seemed to be an imprint of green vines wrapping her leg down to her knee.* The reason I want to come to the gypsy is to find out the purpose of my existence. I'm sure i'm not part of this town in anyway."

XiAmbientChaosiX: "The purpose of your existence? Even i can tell you that. It's common knowledge. Your purpose of existence, is to make your own purpose. You can't have someone dictate to you what you have to do in life, what you must do in order to make yourself. You make yourself, not the word of a gypsy, not even by the prophecy of the Oracle at Delphi. What you have as a purpose in life, is defined by what you do. I staked out my purpose in life, as a non-violent activist. I support the intellectual well-being of humankind. If you haven't paid much attention, the intelligence of our sad people is dropping, dropping to a place that we must avoid. Nonetheless, i suppose a gypsy would assist you in staking your path in life. But, i have to ask you a question… What makes you think you have a special purpose? Because you were branded with such a design? I was branded with the design of the warrior on my chest, but i am anything but a warrior."

Anime Penguin 14: "I never said special." *A hurt expression crosses her face*

"I just merely need direction." *Dropping her gaze she quickly turns away and steps into the door of Avast^

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Well, far be it from me to make assumptions" -he said, laughing, following her- "If you want to make yourself special, Then do so."

Anime Penguin 14: *The smell of sweet rosmery and lavender envelope them. Music of some sort of guitar in the background welcomes them into the dark building. In the center of the room a clear crystal ball and a stack of what seems to be cards stares at them. Behind the objects an old woman sits and smiles warmly at them. "Welcome my children." she says softly.*

Anime Penguin 14: (( haha so cliche))

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Children, eh? Isn't that funny. You don't look anything like my mother, Mijri. How has life been treating you lately? My friend here, Gem, has asked me to bring her here."

Anime Penguin 14: *The woman laughs loudly* "Ahhh, life is treating me well, Aster. Hopefully I can say the same for you." *Switching her smile to Gem she motions her closer* "Gem, what is it you asked to come here for?"

*Gem slowly steps towards the gypsy.* "well, I've wanted to come here for awhile… I wanted to ask if you could, uhm… Direct me in the right way. I want something better out of my peasent life, and I want… well… adventure…" *Gem glanced at Aster, quickly returning her gaze back to the gypsy.*

XiAmbientChaosiX: -He was, by then, sitting in the corner, laughing- "Be sure to be honest to her, Mijri, Unlike you were with me.." -laughs- "Although, you did save the world one warrior."

Anime Penguin 14: "A small miscalculation, you see. Don't hold it against me though, I am aging horribly~ *She closes her eyes and begins to fall into a meditative state, hovering her hands over the crystal orb*

*Gem begins to look nervous "I hope I didn't make the wrong decision, she wonders to herself."*

"I see two souls, linked. A gentle yet powerful spirit interlocked with what seems to be an earth spirit." *Her eyes open slightly and she looks at Aster. I also see fortune, and death. A great loss is to come to you in the future, but also great happiness. *the orb begins to glow purple, a strange marking that resembles Aster's intertwining with the green vines on Gem's thigh* ((Ok that says nothing about direction, but hey… I can't think of anything else))

XiAmbientChaosiX: "How interesting. The fact that an old hag like you can tell something so gracefully.. HAha"

Anime Penguin 14: *Dropping her hands, Mijri grins at Aster* I could probably make you break out in warts! *She laughs loudly again pointing her fingers at Aster*

*Gem sits next to Aster and looks at him and whispers* "Is she this weird on a normal basis?"

*Standing, Mijri hands Aster and Gem two necklaces. They are amulets carved out of an amythist* "Mere good luck charms, if you believe in luck. Now, if you two would kindly excuse me, but this old "hag" needs her beauty rest!" *She turns laughing walking into another room*

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Yeah, you have fun with that. You might need to sleep for multiple days, though! But yes, she's like that. She's a great friend of mine. Haha.. Oh, check this out." -he pulls out a book he was sitting on- "On our way here, i picked this up. It's a book on Magicka. It really piqued my interest. Someone had thrown it out, fearing that the Inqusitors would burn them at the stake."

Anime Penguin 14: *Slipping the necklace around her neck, she looks at the book* Have you looked in it? I don't open weird books… Paranoia. I've heard of curses from opening books though. What's in it?

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Oh, it's just a manuscript to performing Magickal arts, such as conjuring fire Spirits, commanding Faeries, and the like. It's interesting.." -He puts his amulet on, and feels a slight surge through his body, and then proceeds to yell but one sentence- "THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR, HAG!" -and, he would laugh-

Anime Penguin 14: *Mijris distant laughter is heard from another room*

*Gem stared at Aster curiously* You intrigue more and more Aster. *She smiles fully, and giggles* Alright then, I know what I want to do. I want to travel.

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Who doeesn't want to travel?"

Anime Penguin 14: "You seem in a better mood." *She stands, dusting of her dress* "Ever since I came in here, I feel better. I feel like a new person. Kind of… Like regrowth." *She turns to the door* "Aster, what is it you want to do?"

XiAmbientChaosiX: "WAs i in a worse mood to begin with? Hahaha. If you want to travel, then i shall go with you. I need to escape my warlike family."

Anime Penguin 14: "And I need to get away from being alone… Then, I will grab some of my few possesions. Will your family miss you, Aster?"

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Probably. Then again, I'm not really one of them anymore… They kinda disowned me, and they said, if i want to come back, i had to experience war…. Well… everyone, but my mother. She supports my actions…. she thinks war is foolish. She will miss me… but… i will send to her a letter, via the local postman, before we leave town."

Anime Penguin 14: "That's good. And, if you do come back here, I'm sure you will have some good tales for you family." *Walking out Gem headed for her home* Meet me at the gates of town when you are ready to leave, take your time if you wish *Walking off, she hums to herself*

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Oh, but i am ready now." -he walked with her, the letter in his hand. He had such a letter prepared long ago. It contained vague details. He stopped along the way, at the local post building, and dropped it off, then continued on with her-

Anime Penguin 14: *She walked towards a tiny house, if you can call it a house.* I hope you don't mind the mess here. I was never quite settled in. * She walked towards a small pile of raggy clothes and placed them into a small bag along with a few peices of bread.* I don't know what we'll do for money or food, for I have none. Noone wants anything theived anymore, so I havn't made any money.

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Eh. Food, no problem. I've trained in foraging."

Anime Penguin 14: "That's good to hear" *She let out a relieved sigh and stands, giving what seemed like a small prayer to the house. Smiling brightly, she turns towards Aster and pats him on the shoulder. Anywhere you want to go in particular? I'll go wherever instinct takes me."

XiAmbientChaosiX: "I will go where your instinct takes us. I don't mind. Where we go off to, is where we go off to."

Anime Penguin 14: "Well, then I saw east." *Skipping out the door she headed for the town gates* "I hope we don't die out there though, I've never been past the forest." *She laughs and walks next to Aster.* "Are you perhaps looking for anything out there?"

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Not particularly. All i really want to locate in life, is a path. It's only a wilderness from the forest out. I've seen many towns on the horizons. So, off we go, eh?"

Anime Penguin 14: "I hope so." *As they walk, Gem looks at Aster* "Have you ever practiced magic?"

XiAmbientChaosiX: "To a point… I've practiced Incantations, but that's about it."

Anime Penguin 14: "I kind of want to learn while we're out here… Does the book say anything interesting?"

XiAmbientChaosiX: "To a point, yes. All magic is interesting to me, though."

Anime Penguin 14: *She laughs at this* "It seems any type of study interests you".

XiAmbientChaosiX: "Indeed, Gem."


Rez 18 years, 8 months ago

If you think I'm reading all dat shiz, you're wrong. =P

revert 18 years, 8 months ago

Im continuing writing everywhere! MUAHAHA!

DesertFox 18 years, 8 months ago

I've spotted the psycho, and his name is revert.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 8 months ago





Ha. Don't read it, then, rez. I love you too. Ha.

Dreaus 18 years, 8 months ago

hey, long time no see… i heard u sold your xbox (bummer)… oh well i guess yuoll just have to save up and get a 360. Right?

oh and i also think you should move to richmond or vancouver in canada. that would be sweet